Internet Archive’s other projects like the Wayback Machine may be good but how they handled their digital lending of books during the pandemic was not. They removed the limit on the number of people that can borrow a book at a time, thus taking away any resemblance to traditional physical lending. You can argue that copyright laws are bad and should be changed (and I’d agree) but that doesn’t change the facts of what happened under the current law.
Internet Archive’s other projects like the Wayback Machine may be good but how they handled their digital lending of books during the pandemic was not. They removed the limit on the number of people that can borrow a book at a time, thus taking away any resemblance to traditional physical lending. You can argue that copyright laws are bad and should be changed (and I’d agree) but that doesn’t change the facts of what happened under the current law.
How do you propose we break laws without…breaking them?
Straw meet man.
If you think you need to break laws to get them changed, you must’ve failed Civics 101
If you think you can chang oppressive laws without breaking laws, you’re a boot licker with no education of history
He is proposing not to break them and work toward changing the law first.
I don’t propose we break the laws, I propose we change them.