Tap for context
Some woman on the internet said she would feel safer spending a night in the woods with a random bear rather than with a random man
Some woman on the internet said she would feel safer spending a night in the woods with a random bear rather than with a random man
Not “some woman” — quite a few women. Lots of women.
I’m a man and even I would pick a bear
Really? What people do you usually hang around with?
Bears are incredibly strong and dangerous and will kill you just for fun.
I would honestly prefer a random man to a fucking moose.
Man is more unpredictable than bear. I know A bear can kill me, but I have no idea what a random man has in mind for me.
The random man probably hasn’t anything in mind for you, just minding his own business.
Sure. I guess it depends on what odds you are comfortable with. I prefer the very small odds of something worse than death or anything happing at all with Man than the high odds of death with a bear.
Where are you getting these odds from? For how many people live in bear regions, go camping/hunting/biking etc, there have not been that many bear attacks. Source
From this scenario I’m obviously assuming you have to be close to the bear for the entire day.
It’s not like the bear/man is at the other side of the forest.
And as to where I got my odds from? Well out of my ass. There are no statistics on this extremely specific scenario.
Bear: Couldn’t tell you what he’s up to even if it wanted to
Men: Can actually listen and talk their intentions.
Why is a man less predictable in this case? You all just claim things without the slightest bit of argument behind it… so please tell my why that would be the case.
This has a strong “at least they’re honest about wanting to kill me!” energy lol.
Or maybe the whole thing is a joke. I honestly can’t tell
The scale is shark > bear > man > moose. Don’t fuck with moose.
Large prey animals in general. I see a hippo im running
Won’t help, those fuckers go 30 mph. Usain bolt only managed 23 dot something for comparison
I mean… on sight doesn’t mean they’re already chasing, the point is to avoid that
Don’t make eye contact, don’t attract attention, get the almighty fuck out.
I too prefer chubby hairy men.
finally, someone who gets me.
Because a nice bear is going to ask for consent, and might snuggle you and…wait. What kind of bear are we talking about?
Changes their answers considerably
Why do you feel the need to make this racist
Don’t feed the troll.
“If you change the context, the context changes”
did… did you make this account just to insert racist bullshit into the bear meme?
Even more surprising is that it’s a reference to a show that makes fun of racism and racist people all the time. ‘Bear down for finals’