MacBook Air owner?

2018/2019 models are losing #Apple support.

#OptGreen with #GNU/#Linux to keep your device in use! These machines will run beautifully for many years to come.

Not only wallet friendly, #upcycling keeps CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Ca. 75% of Apple’s emissions comes from production alone (details in alt text).

Sustainable, independent #FreeSoftware: Better for users, best for the #environment.


#KDE #KDEEco #FOSS #OpenSource #MacBook

    • TwinTusks
      39 months ago

      I am also still using my 2015 macbook pro A1502, the battery isn’t as good but it can still run my daily tasks. Its still on Catalina, there is no need to upgrade.

      Theres always Linux if I ever wanted to upgrade OS.

      29 months ago

      The last few OS releases will continue to get security updates, but new versions of the OS won’t support those models at all.

    • :arch: bitterseeds
      09 months ago

      @hayes_ @be4foss It means you become a security risk. But as long as you don’t put that laptop on the Internet with that old version OSX then you should be good, otherwise … Linux the thing and use it until whenever. ;)