Not right now. But in the future if companies keep getting away with everything they may introduce some kind of bio-identification: eye scan, face id or fingerprint. And lock your account only to that. Preventing from every form of sharing.
I mean, it’s still against it. But I can’t see how they’d enforce it, unless valve starts demanding IDs. I’m afraid for a post-gaben era where Valve might just do that…
I think they said you can’t transfer the license between accounts, but they never said anything about turning over the account
I think the TOS include that you are not allow to tell your login credentials to anyone?
Good luck to anyone trying to enforce that lol
Not right now. But in the future if companies keep getting away with everything they may introduce some kind of bio-identification: eye scan, face id or fingerprint. And lock your account only to that. Preventing from every form of sharing.
After 60 years they cut off your account … Why 60 ? Just because they need to find a way to screw people that still comply to the rules …
Transferring your account to another person is against the TOS of most services.
Only if they catch me ;)
I mean, it’s still against it. But I can’t see how they’d enforce it, unless valve starts demanding IDs. I’m afraid for a post-gaben era where Valve might just do that…