I’ve noticed and I’ve never really understood why that when you buy any meat that is crumbed from a butcher in Australia, it is always or nearly always yellow in colour.

Why do they do this and where does the yellow colour come from?

  • anon6789
    8 months ago

    Edit: Disregard. Read “crumbed” as “crumbled” and thought OP was referring to ground meat/mince. I still think my reply has some interesting info, so I’ll leave it.

    I couldn’t find any pics of what you’re talking about, so if you have one, I’d be curious to see it.

    From my searching though, I saw that grass fed beef, which would be the “good stuff” has yellow fat instead of white, so when that is minced it will likely coat the meat with that, giving it a slight tint.

    Just a guess, but that’s all I could find.