This isn’t a gloat post. In fact, I was completely oblivious to this massive outage until I tried to check my bank balance and it wouldn’t log in.

Apparently Visa Paywave, banks, some TV networks, EFTPOS, etc. have gone down. Flights have had to be cancelled as some airlines systems have also gone down. Gas stations and public transport systems inoperable. As well as numerous Windows systems and Microsoft services affected. (At least according to one of my local MSMs.)

Seems insane to me that one company’s messed up update could cause so much global disruption and so many systems gone down :/ This is exactly why centralisation of services and large corporations gobbling up smaller companies and becoming behemoth services is so dangerous.

      198 months ago

      Why should it be? A faulty software update from a 3rd party crashes the operating system. The exact same thing could happen to Linux hosts as well with how much access those IPSec programms usually get.

      • Aniki 🌱🌿
        8 months ago

        But that patch is for windows, not Linux. Not a hypothetical, this is happening.

          278 months ago

          Your fixated on the wrong part of the story. Synchronized supply chain update takes out global infrastructure isn’t a windows problem, this happens on linux too!

          Just because a drunk driver crashes their BMW into a school doesn’t mean drunk driving is only a BMW vehicle problem.

            208 months ago

            I love how quickly everyone has forgotten about that xz attack.

            I use and love Linux and have for over two decades now, but I’m not going to sit here and claim that something similar to the current Windows issue can’t happen to Linux.

            • Aniki 🌱🌿
              -88 months ago

              xz attack

              That has nothing to do with this. That was a security vulnerability, solved in record time, blame where it was due, and patched in hours.

                158 months ago

                You’re missing the point. That compromised xz made it into some production distributions. The point here is that shit can happen to Linux, too.

          • Aniki 🌱🌿
            8 months ago

            If BMW makes a car that has square wheels and needs to have everyone install round wheels so the fucking thing works you can’t blame a company for making wheels.

            It’s a Microsoft problem through and through.

              8 months ago

              Your counter to the BMW Drunk driver example didn’t address drunk driving in volvos, toyotas, fords… you just introduced a variable that your upset with. BMW’s having weird wheels has nothing to do with Drunk Driving incidents.

              Again your focused on the wrong thing, this story is a warning about supply chain issues.

              Your just memeing on the hate for windows.

              Have you never seen a DNS outage, a ansible outage, a terraform outage, a RADIUS outage, a database schema change outage, a router firmware update outage?

              • Aniki 🌱🌿
                -128 months ago

                Again, you’re talking about something I am not. I am talking about THIS problem, right here, that is categorically a windows problem, in that it’s not on the linux kernel stack, or mac. How is this NOT a windows problem??

                  138 months ago

                  If an update to the proprietary Nvidia driver causes Linux to crash, that’s an Nvidia problem, not a Linux problem.

    • DigitalDilemma
      8 months ago

      The fault seems to be 90/10 CS, MS.

      MS allegedly pushed a bad update. Ok, it happens. Crowdstrike’s initial statement seems to be blaming that.

      CS software csagent.sys took exception to this and royally shit the bed, disabling the entire computer. I don’t think it should EVER do that, so the weight of blame must lie with them.

      The really problematic part is, of course, the need to manually remediate these machines. I’ve just spent the morning of my day off doing just that. Thanks, Crowdstrike.

      EDIT: Turns out it was 100% Crowdstrike, and the update was theirs. The initial press release from CS seemed to be blaming Microsoft for an update, but that now looks to be misleading.

      38 months ago

      It is on the sense that Windows admins are the ones that like to buy this kind of shit and use it. It’s not on the sense that Windows was broken somehow.