• autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
    08 months ago

    Why don’t you care about any of the people in America?

    As a disabled person living off federal benefits, with a transgender girlfriend living in a red state, I’m literally got skin in the game personally, so don’t tell me that I don’t care about people living in America. The problem is there is an active genocide going on and the Biden adminstration, including Kamala, are supporting it.

    If you think the parties are the same on foreign policy but the Democrats are better on all the thing I mentioned, doesn’t that still mean the Democrats are less terrible?

    I dont think they are materially better on the things you mentioned on the federal level as I mentioned in another post. The best they’ve done is nice sounding words. Another thing you forgot to mention btw is immigration, on which Biden has somehow managed to be materailly worse than Trump lmao. So theres that too.

    and I would very much like to have an option that wasn’t, but I don’t, do I? I have to chose between the options given, and as bad as they are they’re clearly the less bad option.

    You have options that aren’t that and they all involve doing literally any political thing other than voting. I literally don’t care if you decide to vote for Kamala, especially if you live in a swing state. Just please, god, take your eye off electorialism because it won’t save us.

    • ZephrC
      08 months ago

      Doing other things than voting doesn’t stop you from voting. It takes 5 minutes every couple years. It is literally the least you can do. It doesn’t magically prevent all other action though. And serious, how can you not understand even after RvW that doing nothing is still better for you than what the Republicans will do. You’re right, at the national level if the Democrats gain power they won’t do anything at all, and that is massively better than the alternative. It’s not rocket science.

      • MaeBorowski [she/her]
        08 months ago

        Doing other things than voting doesn’t stop you from voting. It takes 5 minutes every couple years. It is literally the least you can do

        Voting for someone abetting a genocide (Biden, Harris) is endorsing that genocide. If the democrats win an election after funding a genocide, what kind of mesage is that sending all politicians, whether you like them or not? It’s telling them that they can commit genocide without repercussion, they can commit genocide and still have the support of the voting public. Voting for genocidaires (let alone defending them and trying to get others to do the same) makes you complicit in the current genocide as well as the ones that are sure to follow due to green light given to those who perpetrate them. You’re telling Democrats and any other politicians “as long as you give lip service to the things I care about - no need to follow through on them btw - then you can go ahead and murder entire nationalities and ethnic groups the world over, it’s ok, I’ll still vote for you.” Fucking disgusting.

        • ZephrC
          08 months ago

          What a stupid take. Do you think politicians give a shit what I think? Trust me, I’m so far outside the Overton window that I may as well be random noise to them, but I’m not so far up my own ass that I don’t care about the consequences of my actions. More people will die if Trump wins, and that is all that matter to me. If you think that’s supporting genocide then you can take you sick bizarro logic and shove it up your ass.

          • MaeBorowski [she/her]
            08 months ago

            What a laughable deflection. Politicians give a shit what the voting public in aggregate does, dipshit. If they don’t give a shit what you think, why are you advocating for one half of them? Why are you trying (and failing so bad it’s funny) to argue that people should vote for one team of them that you think are “less bad”?

            but I’m not so far up my own ass that I don’t care about the consequences of my actions.

            Like, do you really not care that you completely contradict yourself from one comment to the next, or hell, from one sentence to the next?

            More people will die if Trump wins, and that is all that matter to me.

            Meanwhile Biden & Harris fund a literal, undeniable genocide. You are such a clown I’d think it was impressive if it weren’t so disgusting.

            If you think that’s supporting genocide then you can take you sick bizarro logic and shove it up your ass.

            Yeah, refusing to vote for genocidaires is “sick, bizarro logic” but sending them your approval by voting and stanning for the genocidaires is “fighting fascism.” Nah, you can take your sick, twisted, fascist-apologist illogical rationalizations and shove them up your ass, you sycophantic loser.

            • ZephrC
              08 months ago

              The only thing I can say at this point is that I really hope you never have to learn how much of an idiot you are.

      • MaeBorowski [she/her]
        08 months ago

        And serious, how can you not understand even after RvW that doing nothing is still better for you than what the Republicans will do.

        The republicans do it anyway!! The republicans do what they want, the democrats allow them to while raking in donations by telling everyone how mean the republicans are! It’s not that the democrats are better because they don’t do bad things but republicans do, it’s that they are both parts of the same machine that does these things, playing their respective roles! How can you be so fucking blind as not see the blatant “good cop/bad cop” routine for what it is?? And yet you are calling other people morons (ableist language by the way, asshole) for trying to get this very obvious reality through to you!

        • ZephrC
          08 months ago

          It is correct that the Democrats raking in the money for doing nothing by pointing out what the Republicans would do if they gained power. They’re not wrong though. Republicans would do those things, and as long as we don’t let anyone who is actively threatening to do them win an election they won’t happen. If it happens for long enough eventually the Republicans will either get sick of losing and give up on those things or fade into irrelevance and the Democrats will split. They don’t care what we want, but they do care about power, so making the things they want incompatible with gaining power is the only way to defeat them. Don’t feed me defeatist do nothing bullshit and call it activism.