Memory issues, here. I didn’t think I would have bad memory issues until just a while ago, I had a thought on the tip of my nose, but forgot it in seconds and how it took me minutes to recall it. That’s a key sign right there.

Some people have better memory in old age, like it’s unreal sometimes with what some of them can remember. While the average person forgets thoughts in moments.

  • Shimitar
    7 months ago

    Almost 50. Most of (back pain, muscle pain, articulary pains…) my “age” issues have been cured (well, improved…) By an highly active sport life. Think of -daily- activity, not walks, but mixing running and swimming actively. It took one years or so, but I feel 38 again. The trick is NEVER stop, keep doing sport never let more that one or two days pass by without at least 1h run or 1h swim. Get proper clothes and shoes, RUN PROPERLY, and be very progressive not to injure your ligaments.

    (Except for those small prints, I swear they used to write them bigger… And small cuts healing that still take ages…)

    Also, my memory has improved. Maybe it’s all the time I can let my mind free while swimming or running… And indeed my stress levels have dropped.

    • morgan423
      17 months ago

      Approaching 50 as well. Definitely need to get more active, I just have some physical issues from old injuries and conditions. I know I can find something to increase my activity though. Biking, swimming, something out there is doable.

      • Shimitar
        17 months ago

        Absolutely do it.

        Swimming for example, I hated it, but after starting doing it in open water, I changed my mind. Now I like it, even in the swimming pool.

        And cycling is also great, no joint issues on that!

        Pm me if need any support