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This is your somewhat regularly scheduled Stop Killing Games update.

Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Germany has hit the threshold sometime yesterday evening. France has also started to catch up. They are still below 50% but there growth over the last couple of days has been the biggest. Netherlands and Denmark are still in the low 90s.

The milestone comes on the eve of this years Gamescom in Cologne, Germany which is set to kick off today. SKG is not going to have an official presence there. (I’ve checked with the organisers) But if you are attending and want to help spread the word I’m happy to share official marketing material, either in the form of flyers or the files for flyers, so you can print your own. They come in both German and English. If you want some, send me a DM.

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    77 months ago

    Billions? Try more like trillions! And just you wait until you see the Torture Matrix that comes with every government policy get added as DLC to the crew!

      -97 months ago

      You look like a person who knows exactly how EU legislation works, how much we need lawyers and gaming industry experts from biggest gaming companies telling us how gaming should look like because law won’t write by itself.

      Funny how biggest problem in gaming is people spending money on product that stopped working after 10 years from release.

      Let’s bring government standards from other industries into gaming so people could complain more.

      Let’s ruin gaming together ! Teach me because I know nothing about life.

        117 months ago

        Ghad damn straight brudduh. The gubberment is gonna come and force-regulate badness into the games. Well I won’t stand for it just like how I won’t stand for being forced to have a license plate. Where goes traveling so to goes gaming.

          -47 months ago

          I see you’re straight to the point, they will put big banner on box version of the game next to the pegi stamp that says it can harm you if you buy it - just like on alcohol and tobacco to prevent you from unconsciously using this bad game. That’s what gonna happen and I will laugh like I laughted from cookie and GDPR popups.

            77 months ago

            Yo dude. I was joking and then you said the funniest thing possible, completely making my parody of you just turn out to be you. That’s funny.

        7 months ago

        I’m like you, I also like it when the owners of a video game IP have a right to sue preservators of games they’ve shut down and deleted, instead of having to let people keep it running.

          -17 months ago

          I live that long that I know that anybody can sue anyone for anything if they have enough time and / or money. It’s just a matter of incorporating company in a country of imaginary victim and convincing court that you have rights to do something. Nothing new, that’s how globalisation works.