FOSS or otherwise

    127 months ago

    For me it’s iOS, funnily enough. I use Windows for all of our video game machines and Linux for everything else, but I don’t use any Google products or services. After messing around on my computers all the time, I don’t want to even have to THINK about doing things to my phone to make it go. My current phone is six years old and the only reason I’m upgrading this year is to get a 120hz screen, USB-C, and for better low light pictures of cats. And a terabyte would be nice.

    • JackGreenEarth
      7 months ago

      Google is a bad company, and Apple isn’t any better. Probably the best option for you would be GrapheneOS on one of the latest pixels, they have intuitive software, 120hz screens, have had USB-C for years, a good camera, lots of storage, and most importantly GrapheneOS doesn’t use Google or Apple, it’s FOSS.

        7 months ago

        GrapheneOS is awesome, but like I said, no google products and I don’t want to fuck with my phone at all. Apple isn’t perfect, but it’s leagues better than stock Google with app permissions and overall privacy. My six year old phone is still fully supported for at least another year, and I enjoy the OS for the very few things I do on my phone. This is definitely the best option for me.

        47 months ago

        My biggest concern with graphene is that I don’t really trust that my apps will work on it.

        I haven’t looked into it for years, but I do need to use apps like Microsoftone drive, WeChat, banks, etc.

        Even if they work I’m concerned that they will see I’m on some modified OS and block my account.