• BlueÆther
    135 months ago

    Lets all try beekeeping, it will teach you to:

    • look
    • observe
    • think
    • take your time
    • gets you out doors
    • and gets food for the table
      • Drusas
        25 months ago

        You could do like I’ve done–raise native bees. I don’t know where you are, but in my area, mason bees and leafcutter bees are both native, solitary species. This means that they don’t create hives but rather nest in holes/tubes. There’s no queen. No honey. Very little work compared to keeping honeybees and better for the environment (assuming honeybees are not native to your area).

        As a bonus, if you grow any plants, they make great pollinators. And when you first get the bees and they emerge from their cocoons, they are tiny and adorable and a joy to watch. They’re also very passive and almost never sting.