How often do you update your apps on your devices?


  • android: 2x per year, except some app needs an update to work
  • linux/manjaro: every few months, except security stuff (ik its a rolling release distro but I hate updating frequently)

A while ago I updated mostly directly after publish. But since more and more apps (primarily Google services, Social Media, …) get shitty updates which include AI and bloat, I try to update as less as possible while stil trying to get important and new features.
But many apps freak out when not applying these updates in this timespan, which makes it really annoying when needing an app urgently. Then having to update them with eventually bad network makes me aggressive.

Which are your opinions?

  • Lucy :3
    85 months ago

    more and more apps (primarily Google services, Social Media, …) get shitty updates

    Don’t use them and switch to alternatives then!

      35 months ago

      That’s what I do too. Automatic updates for everything and if I don’t like the way something develops I look for alternatives. Those changes will most likely not be reverted anyway and I will certainly not keep using an older version of some software forever.

    • chraebsliOP
      15 months ago

      i already using many alternatives for myself. but for work and hobbies, i still need some of those google apps or social media platforms