• NeoToasty
    14 months ago

    Shut the fuck up about the woes with your ex. You’re meant to move on and seek new people. Your ex should be old news, out of sight and out of mind. No new potential date should have to hear you crying about your bad marriage, about how things were once good between you and the other person. Because that’s you not letting go, regardless of what you’ve been through.

    And if you keep droning on about your past relationships, you are chopping down what interest there is between you and the new person. That’s why you don’t get anyone new.

    • Universal Monk
      04 months ago

      Shut the fuck up about the woes with your ex.

      Oh god, I can’t tell you how many dates I’ve been on where the other person goes on and on about their ex. I give them 10 minutes to vent. If they keep talking about it, I find an excuse to cut things short, then let them know that I “didn’t feel a connection, but good luck!.”