Funko Pops, to me.

I understand that some of them are fairly overpriced, but I also really like them as is. It doesn’t work on all characters, but it sometimes work on a lot and there’s so much representation and variety that it’s good to have a few.

If people want to talk about waste of plastic and vinyl, they should bark at the companies who make teeny tiny figurines that serve no purpose and have so little detail that spending any money on them is a waste.

  • Random Dent
    324 months ago

    Men wearing wigs.

    For whatever reason, we’ve decided as a society that women wearing wigs/weaves/extensions to make themselves feel attractive and nice is perfectly normal, but if a man does it it’s laughable and pathetic. I say, wigs for anyone who wants them!

    Also before the accusations start, I’m not a bald dude lol.

      4 months ago

      Real talk - as a balding dude, there was a time when I was part of a bonus structure program, and I half-jokingly started looking at hair systems. Not because I’m balding and ashamed of it, whatever, but I missed being able to style my hair in a way that looked good. That, and I loved the idea of showing up to work with a whole head of hair, refusing to acknowledge it aside from saying I got a haircut. 'Cause that shit would’ve been hilarious.

      Ultimately decided against it, too much $ for vanity and a joke versus sensible balding guy haircuts/the occasional clear cut.

        94 months ago

        Get one and (after you tire of that excellent joke) swap it on/off and hide it when people have their back turned like Igor’s hump switching in Young Frankenstein.

    • Captain Aggravated
      64 months ago

      Be the change you want to see in society, start wearing a humongous powdered wig like it’s the 1700s.