That’s why only gpl like licences is viable for opensource, because look at freebsd, Apple uses it, Sony uses it, and many others, but did they contributed back as much as Google and others did to Linux? Nah
I love that the gpl license is taking over more and more. I have a couple projects and I proudly use the gpl license. You want to use it? As long as you’re at least as open as I am go for it! You want to close source your code? You’re going to talk to me about licensing my code then.
That’s why only gpl like licences is viable for opensource, because look at freebsd, Apple uses it, Sony uses it, and many others, but did they contributed back as much as Google and others did to Linux? Nah
Except that Sony did contribute to FreeBSD on many occasions. Although I am not sure about Apple and others.
I would like to see what would happen if copyfarleft & post-open source licenses had more uptake.
I love that the gpl license is taking over more and more. I have a couple projects and I proudly use the gpl license. You want to use it? As long as you’re at least as open as I am go for it! You want to close source your code? You’re going to talk to me about licensing my code then.