Preferably Android apps available through F-Droid, but feel free to recommend iOS apps, too!

On iOS, I really like Sky Guide—I don’t think it’s open source, but it has the right features for the casual star gazer like myself, specifically the ability to point my phone at an object (i.e., “what’s that object up there”) and/or search by name (“where’s Jupiter right now”). After my transition to Android, I’ve found Sky Map, which has good feature parity with Sky Guide.

Any other open source apps like Sky Map that I haven’t found yet?

    44 months ago

    FWIW, it says you can opt out of this in the settings. It’s sort of crappy you have to go digging to find this. There should be a disclaimer. Thanks for pointing it out.

      4 months ago

      It’s off by default, it seems, in version 1.10.4 RC1 from F-Droid. At least, I went to toggle it off, but it was already done.

      Note, I tried rejecting the ToS st the first run, which just closed the app. So… I accepted them at the second run… Though, I don’t know if that in any way really could have affected the setting.