I’m gonna rant for a second here if that’s alright.
FUCK being mixed handed. I’m not right or left handed but I’m not ambidextrous either. I’m what’s called cross dominant and it’s a huge pain in the ass all the time.
Cross dominance is when you don’t use one hand for everything but can’t use both hands for everything. I write with my left hand but throw with my right. I eat with my left hand but punch with my right. That’s not the main issue though. The main issue is I cannot use both my hands at the same time without them running into each other because they both have different instincts. If I were to try to use both hands to put something together I’m likely to end up yeeting whatever it is across the room because my hands got confused and one did the right thing while the other had a fuckin stroke and thought that the necessary thing to do is just fully extend and smack whatever I’m working on.
It’s a small thing that I generally don’t bring up because it’s not that big of a deal and I’ve adapted to only using one hand at a time but it’s still infuriating.
That’s not “cross-dominant”, you are simply a lefty who has adapted to living in a right-handed world, just like me. I can’t use a computer mouse or fire a gun left-handed, but only because they rarely made these things for left-handed people when I was growing up, so Ive only ever used then with my right hand and struggle to switch sides.
That said, my aim with a mouse and a gun are awful because I’m not right-handed. I have a feeling that I would do a lot better with these devices if I was more accommodated in my childhood.
Everyone thought I was left handed until I started playing baseball. I couldn’t swing the bat right or throw the ball at all. It just felt and looked completely unnatural. Then a coach suggested throwing with my right hand and it was clearly obvious my body was fuckin weird
I’m gonna rant for a second here if that’s alright.
FUCK being mixed handed. I’m not right or left handed but I’m not ambidextrous either. I’m what’s called cross dominant and it’s a huge pain in the ass all the time.
Cross dominance is when you don’t use one hand for everything but can’t use both hands for everything. I write with my left hand but throw with my right. I eat with my left hand but punch with my right. That’s not the main issue though. The main issue is I cannot use both my hands at the same time without them running into each other because they both have different instincts. If I were to try to use both hands to put something together I’m likely to end up yeeting whatever it is across the room because my hands got confused and one did the right thing while the other had a fuckin stroke and thought that the necessary thing to do is just fully extend and smack whatever I’m working on.
It’s a small thing that I generally don’t bring up because it’s not that big of a deal and I’ve adapted to only using one hand at a time but it’s still infuriating.
Rant over.
Maybe I’m showing my Europeannes, but don’t most people eat with their left hand?
What in the world? Is that European thing?
Fork in your left hand, knife in your right. Yes, that is common European etiquette.
Spoon in right hand though…
Donk know what you mean, I’m from Europe and everyone here eats with their mouth
That’s not “cross-dominant”, you are simply a lefty who has adapted to living in a right-handed world, just like me. I can’t use a computer mouse or fire a gun left-handed, but only because they rarely made these things for left-handed people when I was growing up, so Ive only ever used then with my right hand and struggle to switch sides.
That said, my aim with a mouse and a gun are awful because I’m not right-handed. I have a feeling that I would do a lot better with these devices if I was more accommodated in my childhood.
Everyone thought I was left handed until I started playing baseball. I couldn’t swing the bat right or throw the ball at all. It just felt and looked completely unnatural. Then a coach suggested throwing with my right hand and it was clearly obvious my body was fuckin weird
I don’t know. Sounds kind of cool to be able to eat and punch someone at the same time.
I’d end up hitting them with the food and punching myself in the face.
Well, picturing that all I can say is: relevant username.
That’s just one thing on the list of many that make me one of the weirdest guys in the room at all times.