Subjective situations welcome

      3 months ago

      I once got this advice and got so offended by it that I tried rerouting the bullies to target him instead.

      It worked and never did I have so much fun proving someone wrong.

      43 months ago

      Ah what a nice advice.
      Worked unsurprisingly bad from grade 1½ to 4 and could only get rid of them by advancing to the secondary school.
      We are offered to choose with whom we’d would like to be in class and my request was who I’d like to net get together with.
      Apparently this was a very exotic request but thwy made it possible.

    • Mr Fish
      23 months ago

      In defense of this, there are situations where it’s good advice. Bullies that only use insults and social pressure are easily dealt with this way. Find a friend group with no connection to them, then ignore them to get rid of anything they can use against you. This is basically how I dealt with the people bullying me at school.

      But I agree, if they do anything beyond insults and social pressure, you need some way of confronting them or leaving them entirely.