Yes, I know that the are dozens of notes apps. I’m looking for recommendations based on a few features that I like:

  • nice design (including color coding)
  • easy checklists
  • sharing - this one is key. I use a shared shopping list and we both need to add and edit.
  • pinning and archiving (hidden notes)

I don’t mind running it from my homelab server, but that is not a requirement. Does anyone use a notes app that you love? Let me know!

    • Statick
      4 months ago

      I was using Joplin for a while… Self hosted their server. On two occasions it screwed up on me and wouldn’t load my folders… Luckily I had backups but it was still frustrating. I don’t recommend them purely because the notes are stored in a custom format instead of just plain text files.

      My favorite way of doing notes now is with git, currently using a free private repo on gitlab.

      Just clone the repo on whatever PC I need them and it has backups and version control.

      Then use GitJournal on my phone.

      It’s perfect for me. I love it.

        14 months ago

        Nice, I’ve been doing something similar, using the obsidian-git plug-in for Obsidian and the Working Copy app on iOS.

        Obsidian is my front-end, and it saves the notes in markdown files in a git-synced folder on my computer.

        The plug-in pushes and pulls automatically, and Working Copy does the same thing on iOS, just before opening the Obsidian app on iOS.