This is a twofer:

  1. The article itself
  2. HN’s take on it
    313 months ago

    it was really hard to read the article when my hands wouldn’t stop making the wanker motion every time this fuckhead decided to whinge about yet another not-problem they’re having. money poisoning’s a fuck of a thing, isn’t it?

    anyway I don’t think this is a parody or if it is they’re incredibly dedicated to the bit

    Within 2 minutes of talking to the final interviewer for DOGE, he asked me if I wanted to join. I said “yes”. Then he said “cool” and I was in multiple Signal groups.

    I’m kinda amazed it’s not multiple Telegram groups, but not at all surprised DOGE is ramshackle enough that this is what passes for organization. it goes to show why they’d hire someone who’d just come hot off of losing interest in robotics after 2 weeks of barely trying and also almost killed themselves doing rich kid vanity hiking, who would then quit their surely extremely important position at DOGE after about a month

    If this means I’ll never do something as spectacular as Loom, so be it.

    wait, I know that name. loom is just a video and screen recorder with unnecessary social networking and AI features that I’m pretty sure charges a lot for a subscription. loom is fucking Unregistered Hypercam 2 for Workgroups. that’s the product this kid is wanking about? that’s the fucking height of human achievement? fuck you

      153 months ago

      I know that name. loom is just a video and screen recorder with unnecessary social networking

      same. I was like “hold on, don’t I know this name?”, did a quick search and got to “oh right it’s twitch clips enterprise edition” and then

      and AI feature

      “…but the fuck is AI-based loop clips?”

      seriously, they have “AI-based” on their frontpage

      93 months ago

      I’m kinda amazed it’s not multiple Telegram groups

      vulnerabilities for thee but not for me! but kinda same, esp given how much both orange man and felon are willing to ride putin’s tumescent instructions to feel some faint warm glow at how much destruction they can wreak