Context: I noticed I have some clothes from 10 years ago that are still good to wear, and some newer things I have barely worn yet. I wondered if I reached a point where all the clothes I own would be enough to last for the rest of my life. There is a dresser and a closet worth of things.

For the sake of this question, let’s say you can’t buy, borrow, steal, receive as a gift, find, or make anything new to wear. All you get is what you have now. Is it enough?

    52 months ago

    I think underwear and socks are some of the worst culprits for poor quality nowadays. socks especially seem to get threadbare so quickly

    • Snot Flickerman
      2 months ago

      As I posited elsewhere in the thread (source: I’m old), a big part of that isn’t even reduction in quality of materials but rather change in type of materials as new textiles have been invented.

      I can tell you, my socks and drawers may not last as long as they used to, but god damn it, they’re the most comfortable sets of them I’ve had in my entire life.

      You don’t want to know how it was wearing boxers, briefs, and socks in the 80’s/90’s, because it was bad and uncomfortable. I remember being embarrassed because I felt like I was endlessly adjusting my dick in them due to discomfort.

      Modern socks and underwear are made from much lighter and more comfortable material, which in turn means that they simply don’t last as long because the material just isn’t as sturdy.

      I can tell you when I’m underwear shopping I aim for comfort over longevity of material, because I prioritize basic comfort over the underwear lasting forever. I’m sure I’m not the only person who approaches it this way, I’d wager the majority of folks prioritize comfort of undergarments over longevity.

        22 months ago

        The biggest improvement in socks since the '80s was when they moved the seam from the end of the toe to the top of the toe. That seam was the bane of my existence.

      • It’s okay for some items to be “wear items” while others are held to a different standard.

        I think there has definitely been a huge increase in the use of merino wool. It’s nice and soft, doesn’t stink, and handles moisture well, but the fibers are so much smaller than most other types of wool, that they aren’t nearly as durable or warm.