All countries have different cultures, history, material conditions, and forms of governance that result from that. Westerners portraying their system as the sole legitimate form of governance amounts to nothing more than modern-day marketing for colonialism, serving as a pretext for Western invasions and global atrocities masquerading as benevolent civilizing missions. The fact that you think that the regime you live under is somehow special shows a profound lack of cognitive development on your part.
I can at least objectively compare countries and governments. And in those, quality of life is objectively worse than that in Europe. Not because of the people, but the governments and systems in place. And that is my point, the countries that you, and apparently the US, listed are just some of the many, many countries that are untrustworthy in themselves - as political body to interact with. And for most things, especially to do with cyber security and privacy, I also include the USA and partly even Germany and the rest of the EU due to recent political motivations towards mass surveillance. Yet, it’s better to live in than those countries.
There’s a difference in hating/disliking people because of unchangeable circumstances and hating regimes.
I’m also a fan of “junta”
Except without a red line and just a gradual scale, yes.
wtf you should actually be banned for this
ah I see we’re dealing with sophisticated and nuanced racism here
Yes Hail everything! Hail Kim! Hail Saudi-Arabia! I love those states! They do nothing wrong, they are the best places on earth! Or what?
talking to children whose brains haven’t fully developed yet can be exhausting
Well, apparently for you nothing is a regime, and all countries are the same in everything?
All countries have different cultures, history, material conditions, and forms of governance that result from that. Westerners portraying their system as the sole legitimate form of governance amounts to nothing more than modern-day marketing for colonialism, serving as a pretext for Western invasions and global atrocities masquerading as benevolent civilizing missions. The fact that you think that the regime you live under is somehow special shows a profound lack of cognitive development on your part.
I can at least objectively compare countries and governments. And in those, quality of life is objectively worse than that in Europe. Not because of the people, but the governments and systems in place. And that is my point, the countries that you, and apparently the US, listed are just some of the many, many countries that are untrustworthy in themselves - as political body to interact with. And for most things, especially to do with cyber security and privacy, I also include the USA and partly even Germany and the rest of the EU due to recent political motivations towards mass surveillance. Yet, it’s better to live in than those countries.
Or do you mean because of the colors?
Wtf is this absurd racism?
Well what do they say about china?
Buncha orientalist nonsense.
Would’ve guessed nonsense, but orientalist?