The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or New START, which caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and the deployment of land- and submarine-based missiles and bombers to deliver them, is due to expire on February 5, 2026.

It is the last remaining pillar of nuclear arms control between the world’s two biggest nuclear powers.

  • htrayl
    72 months ago

    Russia criticizing the US nuclear arms policy is rich, given how they have both loosened their requirements on when they would use nuclear weapons, and have repeatedly and consistently have used nuclear threats as a military strategy since their invasion of Ukraine.

    I guess they have to take this position as the US at least has working armaments and not just rusted, unmaintained, weapons.

      2 months ago

      Do you understand what NATO is? It’s a transnational nuclear military without accountability to any populace, that was originally helmed by hand-picked Nazis to create an anti-Russian nuclear first-strike capability. Russia’s direct statement about invading Ukraine explicitly said that NATO activity on their border has become too threatening to ignore. The very first NATO exercise in Ukraine happened months before the Euromaidan coup and immediately after the coup NATO began war exercises including flying B-52s in the region and simulating an invasion of Kaliningrad.

      As far as the USA not having rusted outdated weapons, I point you to the $1T project to upgrade the US nuclear arsenal that started with the sentinel system and immediately hit an 80% cost increase ( and a timeline problem that puts the upgrade well beyond the service life of the current Minuteman system, which itself ran into failed test flights recently.

      Not to mention the number of jets the US can’t keep in the air.

      Not to mention the fact that Russia has destroyed effectively 3 full Ukrainian militaries, first the stuff Ukraine had, then the first wave of American and European armor, and then the second wave of American and European armor, all while increasing its active duty count and increasing its military production capabilities.

      The reason Russia is threatening nuclear escalation is because the US and NATO are the standing nuclear threat and they continue to use the logic of escalation instead of deescalation and every analyst can see this. You could see it too if you stop reading the propaganda rags and actually build yourself an understanding.