In a system that can't see you, your behavioural patterns become the things that are used to discriminate against you. That's all a digital system can really see about you. Physical attributes don't mean anything in a digital world, things like your ethnicity, gender, age, etc., aren't relevant to digital
Holy fuck, please go outside. As a certified real black person I think you need to actually fucking touch some grass and meet some real black people.
Here’s a video of me speaking just so you shut up.
If you learn about the world through shit like this it’d certainly explain the racism.
The Onion made a joke about this actually, Sale Of BET To White Supremacist Group Results In No Changes To Programming.
…and see what, exactly? That culture doesn’t exist?
Why…should I care if you’re black?
What shit? You mean Black Entertainment Television? TV for black people? Black culture?
Do you even know what you’re trying to argue?
Yes lol.
Because I am a living counterexample to the idea that black people need to speak a certain way.
And Google’s “privacy sandbox” is so private. C’mon lol. You gotta be either stupid or trolling.