The asses’ milk would moisturize skin. I assume a water rinse though, because old milk stinks and could cause a yeast infection.
The asp was legendarily her choice to commit suicide, though it was probably an Egyptian Cobra, if it was a snake at all. (Asp bite death is slower and much more painful than cobra bite death.)
I have a theory that the asp legend depends partly on the fact it’s easier to rhyme “asp” than Egyptian Cobra.
As for snakebite in general, I note that male artists have universally portrayed the snake biting her on her bare booby. That’s not actually a good way to get the venom quickly to the heart/brain/lungs, because boobies are mostly fat, but it makes good pornArt.
It’s actually referred to by the longer aspic in Shakespeare (alongside some very questionable herpetology), which is the main place I imagine there would be influential Cleopatra rhymes in English. According to Wikipedia, they’re both the same snake anyway.
Maybe coconut water or aloe vera gel, I imagine it’d feel weird but probably not regrettable.
I guess we’ve got to beat Cleopatra as our baseline with her bath of asp milk.
Marmite would probably veer into the regrettable category, and I’m saying that as a marmite enjoyer
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in a heartbeat
I can imagine this feeling really tingly after a while, though not sure why.
what is this? I googled and found nothing
I too partake joyfully in that hellish sludge, and have wondered what depths of depravity I would willingly go to to satisfy that dark craving
Wikipedia says donkey milk was used by Cleopatra, not asp milk. Maybe OP meant ass milk and got autocorrected, but that sounds really wrong.
An asp is a type of snake so that sounds uhh, difficult
You can milk snake venom. Still doesn’t sound too easy.
Assmilk? (SFW, visually anyways)
Ah I got my history slightly wrong, she bathed in donkey milk and just liked asps (a kind of snake)
The asses’ milk would moisturize skin. I assume a water rinse though, because old milk stinks and could cause a yeast infection.
The asp was legendarily her choice to commit suicide, though it was probably an Egyptian Cobra, if it was a snake at all. (Asp bite death is slower and much more painful than cobra bite death.) I have a theory that the asp legend depends partly on the fact it’s easier to rhyme “asp” than Egyptian Cobra. As for snakebite in general, I note that male artists have universally portrayed the snake biting her on her bare booby. That’s not actually a good way to get the venom quickly to the heart/brain/lungs, because boobies are mostly fat, but it makes good
pornArt.It’s actually referred to by the longer aspic in Shakespeare (alongside some very questionable herpetology), which is the main place I imagine there would be influential Cleopatra rhymes in English. According to Wikipedia, they’re both the same snake anyway.
You’ve got two Cleopatra stories mixed up there.
She was said to bathe in ass’s (donkey’s) milk.
She killed herself by holding an asp (snake) to her breast.