Just wanted to prove that political diversity ain’t dead. Remember, don’t downvote for disagreements.

  • We should try harder to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals, sometimes taxation is necessary and sometimes it’s beneficial even if we don’t factor in revenue, people will sometimes make decisions that are so bad that we have a moral obligation to intervene in order to protect them from the most disastrous outcomes

    • people will sometimes make decisions that are so bad that we have a moral obligation to intervene in order to protect them from the most disastrous outcomes

      in archaic times, due to the primordial habit of turning people into slaves if they couldn’t repay their debts, people were legally forbidden from going into debt at all, except if they could prove that they were a reasonable person and it was economically likely that they could pay back the debt. that was in order to prevent them from the bad fates of slaves; which makes sense to me.