More than cool, add in other enhancements and most 3D games don’t need a remaster that will most likely be bloated data-wise.
Particularly when it comes to vertex colors (see Spyro’s skyboxes) rendering at modern res immaculately, upselling into photorealism is just throwing out the smartest and most unique thing the game had.
Fact: PS1 games in an emulator with increased resolution looks super cool
not only based, but also gay.
because gay is good, therefore the original point is good.
edit: lemmy does not respect formatting 100%. I wanted larger gaps between sections.
More than cool, add in other enhancements and most 3D games don’t need a remaster that will most likely be bloated data-wise.
Particularly when it comes to vertex colors (see Spyro’s skyboxes) rendering at modern res immaculately, upselling into photorealism is just throwing out the smartest and most unique thing the game had.