There were many lingua francas of which French was supposedly the first global lingua franca. That changed and it became English (from what I understand). We will probably see another language become the lingua franca, so my question is: should it be English? Are there better candidates out there? Why / why not?

  • atro_cityOP
    113 days ago

    Never say never. Many things can change. English became the lingua franca in a single generation. Someone born in the 50s is old enough to remember a different lingua franca.

    The US could align itself with Russia and create such animosity that people not only eschew its products but also the language. Right-wingers could get so much power and become so radical that they demand English be abolished as it tarnishes their own language. China could swoop in, nuke Western powers, and establish a new world order with Mandarin as the world language. An unexpected geological event could pollute the skies and seas in and around Europe, force massive emigration to Africa and Asia, and African governments could unite to declare Arabic, Swahili, and Zulu as the main languages of Africa for all to learn. Brain to computer interfaces might become so widespread that an intermediate and more practical, universal brainwave language is used instead of English (see Gibberlink for inspiration).

    • warm
      213 days ago

      Yeah, of course, not impossible, but we won’t change from it just because. There would have to be a real reason, like as you say, crazy technology advancements or an insane apocalypse makes its widespread use die out.

      People have never been this connected, so it’s not going to change anywhere near as easily as it has in the past, is my point.

        • warm
          213 days ago

          Yup, not “easily” but in comparison to what I personally believe it would take to change now ^^