I went to a Gamestop the other day, and they had a little section for pre-owned games for older systems (think Xbox360, PS2, DS, etc). I was perusing and grabbed some games, but I noticed something, the cases that have the XBOX360 games have a giant “RETRO GAMING” on it in the centre. So I am like wtf, I grew up with the XBOX360, what the hell do they mean “retro”.

So I went and asked like friends and other people if the XBOX360 is retro now, and basically everyone was like “yeah”. I was talking to my EX about it and she was like “the xbox came out in 2005/6. There is more time between us and the xbox360 than there was between the xbox and the SNES when the xbox came out. Was the SNES “retro” when the xbox360 came out?”

I am like not ready, not willing to accept the XBOX360 as retro. Because that is saying my thing that I grew up with is “retro” or “old” now and im not ready to accept that because im not ready to be old.

  • @RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
    437 days ago

    It is not retro. It is “Modern,” like how art from the 50s and 60s is called “Modern Art.”

    Here is an easy chart:

    1st Console Gen (Magnavox Odyssey) : Historic

    2nd Console Gen (ColecoVision) : Antique

    3rd Console Gen (NES) : Vintage

    4th Console Gen (SNES) : Retro

    5th Console Gen (N64) : Classic

    6th Console Gen (XBOX) : Renaissance

    7th Console Gen (X360) : Modern

    8th Console Gen (XBOX ONE) : Post-Modern

    9th Console Gen (XBOX SERIES) : Contemporary