• Poggervania
    192 years ago

    My bro and I once had a physical copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2 for the PS2 when we were kids and we both played the hell outta that game. Brother lends it to a friend for them to borrow, and the friend ended up selling it for $10.

    Still mad about that one to this day.

    • Yeah, my brother lent my game disc to one of his friends. When that friend returned it, it looked like a cat had clawed all over it. It was so scratched that it wouldn’t read anymore, and the best scratch buffers in the world would’ve been useless.

      Turns out, that friend had a known habit of leaving his game discs out on the floor and just walking all over them with his muddy shoes when he wasn’t actively playing them.

      • The Grunkler
        82 years ago

        That is some psycho behavior right there. Glad you escaped a serial killer alive