reading “Build Files Exist” seems to suggest the package already exists, but it’s not, I think.

So what is “CleanBuild” and what do the options mean: [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]t Installed

And is meant by (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4) ?

  • MinekPo1 [it/she]
    2 years ago

    I would guess that “Build Files Exist” means makepkg successfully downloaded the files it needs to build the package. I assume cleanBuild is referring to the building of packages itself.

    As for the options, my guesses are:

    • N don’t install anything and continue
    • A build and install all the listed packages
    • Ab interrupt everything and exit
    • I rebuild packages which are already installed, but don’t install new ones
    • No build and install packages which are not installed on the system

    I think you can also pick specific packages by referring to their index

    • either listing them all (1 2 3)
    • specifying a range (1-3)
    • or excluding those which you don’t want (^4)

    Note that I don’t use arch btw so I’m only guessing.

      2 years ago
      [N] builds normally.
      [A] deletes the source code from your machine and starts building from scratch.
      [Ab] aborts like you'd expect.
      [I] clean builds only installed packages.
      [No] Idem, but only not installed packages.