Say I have a window of mostly music that I want to open with shortcut a, and a window of work stuff that I want to open with shortcut b. Is there anything I can do to get firefox shortcuts to remember the windows separately? I don’t want to use chrome or a different browser as the second window, but that would work for specifically what I want to do.

  • ConfusedLlama
    22 years ago

    Use profiles, as @igorlogius said.

    If you want different shortcuts, use the following command in your .desktop file (assuming you use Linux):
    firefox -no-remote -P

    for example, assuming you named your music profile music, you put the following line in a firefox-music.desktop file you’ll create in ~/.local/share/applications/:

    Exec=firefox -no-remote -P music (in addition to other common .desktop file fields)

    If your firefox executable is not located in your $PATH (for example if you downloaded it directly from Mozilla), then you need to put the path too. for example:
    Exec=~/apps/firefox/firefox -no-remote -P music


    here’s a full .desktop file example for a profile named “work”:
    file path and name: /home/confusedllama/.local/share/applications/firefox-work.desktop


    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Firefox for work
    GenericName=Web Browser
    Exec=/home/confusedllama/apps/firefox/firefox -no-remote -P work
    Name[en_US]=Firefox for work
    [Desktop Action new-window]
    Name=Open a New Window
    Exec=/home/confusedllama/apps/firefox/firefox -no-remote -P work -new-window
    [Desktop Action new-private-window]
    Name=Open a New Private Window
    Exec=/home/confusedllama/apps/firefox/firefox -no-remote -P work -private-window

    This example will give you “Open a new window” and “Open a private window” options too, when you right click on the shortcut. Also as you can see, you can even set a different icon for each shortcut.