The next years are going to be fun… The world is burning while the fossil fuel industry is chugging along like everything is great as long as you buy enough co2 credits.
I’m scared in what kind of world my children will have to live in…
The next years are going to be fun… The world is burning while the fossil fuel industry is chugging along like everything is great as long as you buy enough co2 credits.
I’m scared in what kind of world my children will have to live in…
It’ll be fine. It has all happened before. There was 5x to 10x as much CO2 in the atmosphere when the dinosaurs were alive (2000 to 4000 ppm).
All we need to do is kill off about 7 billion people and have the survivors move to the south pole atleast 300’ above sea level.
You had me with the first half ngl
Not sure if this was sarcasm. On a serious note:
Yes, but that is irrelevant. CO2 levels were never so high in the existence of humans. We know for a fact humans could survive without burning coal and oil. We do not know wether our existence is compatible with these unprecedented CO2 levels, but started the experiment nevertheless.
Lol definitely sarcasm per the second paragraph of that comment. Good point on general toxicity at those levels. I looked it up and it appears we can survive it, albeit in a moderately reduced state.–2%2C000 ppm%3A level associated,nausea may also be present.
Remember when Gary Johnson argued that climate change wasn’t a big deal because the sun would become a red giant in a few billion years anyway?