Lasers or fast firing small calibre weapons can hit drones. We already have weapons with enough accuracy to hit drones, what’s missing is a system to detect them. But with AI, cameras should be able to do that soon. Drones should then increase their camouflage. But they also are noisy, so sound detector might be another solution (probably not alone).
The problem with drones is that they can be very small, and very cheap.
The first part makes them difficult to detect and target. The second part makes destroying them with, say, guided missiles, extremely inefficient. You can basically bankrupt your opponent by sending more drones then they have missiles to shoot them down with.
Creating hard counters to modern drones is going to require radical new thinking. I suspect energy weapons may end up playing a serious role in this regard.
Doesn’t/won’t drone and missile intercept technology keep up with the drones and missiles?
Obviously, ruzzia won’t. They are shit, but I would assume the US Army is already finding solutions on how to counter this.
It’s harder to intercept in general. In this case, drones have minimal radar and infrared signature and are extremely cheap…
It’s impractical to spend a million dollars intercepting a drone that costs $500 to build.
Lasers or fast firing small calibre weapons can hit drones. We already have weapons with enough accuracy to hit drones, what’s missing is a system to detect them. But with AI, cameras should be able to do that soon. Drones should then increase their camouflage. But they also are noisy, so sound detector might be another solution (probably not alone).
Drone are super easy to detect with any basic SDR. Only the infrared line of sight beam riding drone and fully autonomous drones are immune
It will, eventually, but this stuff takes time.
The problem with drones is that they can be very small, and very cheap.
The first part makes them difficult to detect and target. The second part makes destroying them with, say, guided missiles, extremely inefficient. You can basically bankrupt your opponent by sending more drones then they have missiles to shoot them down with.
Creating hard counters to modern drones is going to require radical new thinking. I suspect energy weapons may end up playing a serious role in this regard.