The next years are going to be fun… The world is burning while the fossil fuel industry is chugging along like everything is great as long as you buy enough co2 credits.

I’m scared in what kind of world my children will have to live in…

    02 years ago

    Remember, elections have consequences. While, at least in the US, neither party is perfect, Republicans are actively engaged in climate denial.

    Vote accordingly.

      2 years ago

      It seems like elections only have consequences and never any benefits. While republicans are worse than democrats, I don’t see democrats moving effectively in this area. It’s usually business as usual with democrats (e.g. Biden signing in more drilling permits). At best I see too-little-too-late agreements with non-strict enforcement that republicans can cancel any time they get power (which is inevitable in our system).

        12 years ago

        While republicans are worse than democrats,

        That doesn’t really matter - the problem is they enable each other. They just play a “good cop, bad cop” routine while “business as usual” accelerates. Political parties aren’t interested in changing the status quo - but it’s the status quo that must be changed.

          12 years ago

          Yeah, I’ve had to make sure to include that in every post I make criticizing democrats because otherwise people who’ve had their brains poisoned by the two party system immediately jump to stupid conclusions like “oh, are you saying we should vote for republicans then?!?!?!” or try to dismiss all criticism by pointing out the obvious in that republicans are worse.

          The thing with good cop, bad cop is that they both have the same objective and neither are on your side. It’s a great act, too, because people actually get fooled into thinking parties bought and paid for by the rich are somehow fighting for the common person.

      12 years ago

      Elections sort of have consequences sometimes. In some places. Especially in the US, both sides play the same game and both allow corporations to act with enough impunity for it to make no difference who is in charge. The fact that “democracy” has become a choice between two essentially identical options tells you everything you need to know about the idea. Not to mention that the US is a republic not a democracy anyway and is therefore a totally different beast. And the second biggest economy and influence on the climate is China - another “democracy” which isn’t one.

        02 years ago

        “the US is a Republic not a democracy…”

        Thanks for telling us that you don’t know WTF you’re talking about.

        This idea of yours, that republics and democracies are somehow mutually exclusive concepts is a deeply stupid category error that has zero basis in political science (to say nothing of practical reality) and almost always is the redoubt of those who wish to justify the dysfunction of the current status quo.

          02 years ago

          There’s no need to get upset about it mate. At least not about my comment. Please do get upset about (I assume) your government. Its a shitshow. I never said anything about mutual exclusivity, all I said is that being a republic, the rulesa re different to what they would be otherwise. Gerrymandering, the executive branch, the judicial branch, and especially the electoral college, all mean that even though some people are allowed to vote, power lies with the political class and oligarchs, not with the people voting.

          Here’s some handy info about republics:

        -12 years ago

        “the US is a Republic not a democracy…”

        Thanks for telling us that you don’t know WTF you’re talking about.

        This idea of yours, that republics and democracies are somehow mutually exclusive concepts is a deeply stupid category error that has zero basis in political science (to say nothing of practical reality) and almost always is the redoubt of those who wish to justify the dysfunction of the current status quo.