This meme is from 2004. History repeats itself.

  • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
    131 year ago

    Israel is fighting against all of Palestine, not just Hamas.

    who are cowardly hiding behind civilians

    Israel won’t let civilians outside of Gaza. They want Hamas to be among civilians. Moreover, Israel brutalizes Palestinians who live inside Israeli borders, without Hamas troops present.

    • I think you are stretching. They don’t want civilians mixed in with hamas. The political damage it does to them is not insignificant. But there is no way they can tell which people are civilians to let out and which are civilians. Not saying they are the good guys either though.

      • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
        1 year ago

        They absolutely do. Their goal is ethnic cleansing. Every Israeli policy is about forcing Palestinians outside of Palestine. Why else are most Palestinians never allowed to come back if they leave, or given hell for it in the minority cases that they are?

        You can absolutely verify a civilian. Are you kidding me?!! You guys will say anything to justify keeping people in a concentrstjon camp. I can’t believe the degree of heartlessness.

          01 year ago

          Are you implying that the goal, either directly or indirectly, of the entire Middle East outside of Israel ISN’T ethnic cleansing? I’m pretty sure the second Israel can’t or chooses not to stand against Hamas as strongly as they are, they’ll be targets of pretty much every other nation in the region. The world hates jews, particularly that region. Both sides are absolute disgraces to humanity, and I’m not willing to call a blatant act of terrorism on either side in ANY way justified.

          • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
            11 year ago

            Why lump Palestinians with what corrupt governments installed by the West (like Israel) hundreds if not thousands of kilometers away have done?

            We already know how Palestinians treated Jewish migrations prior to Israel’s creation. When Europe was persecuring jews, Palestinians were teaching Jewish refugees how to farm (because in many parts of Europe, they weren’t allowed to).

            But your “we have to massacre Palestinians, because what if we don’t, have you not considered they may massacre us too???!!”. This colonial mindset is nonsensical.

        • As you claim others will say anything, you do litterally that. You claim to know the minds and intentions of how many people? Are you a mind reader? Clairvoyant? And I doubt you have knowledge of even 1% of the Isreali policies, yet claim they all have one goal.
          Do you even know you can support a side without spewing false BS. There are plenty of reasonable arguments, but you choose to sound like someone on fox news instead. You hurt your cause more then help it.

          • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
            11 year ago

            I did not mean literally every written rule of Israel. I obviously do not have the bandwidth to read them all. But Israel’s policy against Palestinians is that. I’m sure you knew what I meant.

    • keropoktasen
      -111 year ago

      What israel did was, they gave warnings to civilians whenever they target any building but there’s no perfect system that can precisely hit the target and prevent casualities. Do you see hamas doing the same? They indiscriminately send rockets that would’ve surely hit israel civilians if not for the iron dome. So from there, we can see who the bad guy is.

      • Their “warning” consists of shooting a smaller missile at the roof of a building a few minutes before the main missile. Obviously a great and super effective warning

      • be_excellent_to_each_other
        41 year ago

        What israel did was, they gave warnings to civilians whenever they target any building but there’s no perfect system that can precisely hit the target and prevent casualities.

        “No Perfect System”

      • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
        41 year ago

        What good does a warning do?

        Hey, I’m about to obliterate your neighborhood in 12 hours. Get ready.

        Gee thanks, don’t know what I would’ve done. Now I’m sure you’ll at least let me seek refuge in the territories you occupy, Israel, right? Right?!!

        Hamas missiles target military installations, not civilians. Israel has the modern weaponry to only target the militants, whereas Hamas doesn’t. Yet Israel’s casualties have magnitudes more of civilians than Hamas, despite their imprecise weapons.

          41 year ago

          Hamas missiles target military installations, not civilians.

          Hey, I agree with most of what you’re saying in this thread, but that seems disingenuous. First of all, Hamas seems to have developed a home-grown rocket manufacturing capability, undoubtedly with the support of the IRGC. While they probably hold some precision-guided munitions in reserve, they’ve yet to demonstrate that. So, at present, any reference to Hamas missiles is moot.

          Moreover, Hamas has, in recent days, specifically targeted Israeli civilians. Setting aside any partisan reporting, there is overwhelming evidence that Hamas intentionally murdered hundreds of civilians. That being the case, your imprecation that

          Hamas missiles target military installations

          seems pretty disingenuous.

          Is Bibi the good guy here? Of fucking course not. Aside from widely-reported ‘intelligence failures’, he’s on the record supporting Hamas, in order to prop up his own fascist regime. If anyone’s more guilty than Hamas, it’s fucking Netanyahu.

          • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
            11 year ago

            Hamas seems to have developed a home-grown rocket manufacturing capability

            That exactly tells you why it’s so imprecise. Israel has weapons created by the world’s top rocket scientists and the most precise manufacturing facilities, and for Hamas it’s people who barely have couple hours of electricity per day putting something together in one of the most densely populated areas, full of rubble and destruction.

            When I say they “target” military facilities, I mean that’s what they aim for. Not that they have the high military capabilities to never miss.

            Moreover, Hamas has, in recent days, specifically targeted Israeli civilians

            I don’t deny that there are individuals in Hamas who have targeted civilians or killed them needlessly. Hamas is a resistance militia and not a hive mind. Unfortunately, living your entire life in a concentration camp with limited food and electricity, watching families burning alive and buildings coming down may lead you to hate people who are rave dancing on the gates of your open air prison, or even the regular civilians. It is not rational, but it is bound to happen. And because of this, I blame Israel.

            And I don’t blame Israel to absolve Hamas of blame. Hamas leadership is complicit in ignoring civilian killing, I do not deny this. But blaming Hamas will drive no significant change. The root cause of these issues is Israel. At the very least, the civilian killings are usually individual actions, and Hamas’ military campaigns target the military. Whereas for Israel, civilians are target, and Hamas is their tool to convince Israelis that bombing Gaza is good.

          01 year ago

          The difference is, hamas uses civilian buildings AS military buildings. They literally use their brethren as shields, so they can say “you can’t attack us or it’s a humanitarian crisis!”

          Yes, bombing civilian buildings SUCKS, but we have to also at least acknowledge the wrongs of Hamas here, acknowledge how they’ve pretty much left no other options.