The Swedish climate campaigner was with other activists at a protest outside a central London hotel.

    1 year ago

    I was changing my car oil and Greta helped me clean up my face when the whole vacuum thing didn’t work out. Thanks Gretta!

    When did Greta help you be more green?

      1 year ago

      When after her “worlds first” travel by sail as a passenger from england to new york (seriously no one has ever done that before) she and the crew that actually did the sailing flew back home to Sweden and then a different crew flew out to new york to sail back.

      Before that historic journey, I’d never even conceived of a ship powered not by fire, but by wind. We have a lot to learn from the high school drop out and I’m sure she has much to teach us about environmentalism. So long as we desperately redirect, obfuscate and ignore the societal causes of man-made global warming, surely one day we can all get a crew to sail each of us around the world, just like she did solving the problem once and for all.