French authorities have banned demonstrations in support of Gaza, arrested protesters, and moved to dissolve several Palestine advocacy groups.

  • bioemerl
    1 year ago

    It’s fucking hilarious seeing communities like this who in the past have been so gung-ho about shit like punching Nazis standing next to the people who want to annihilate the Jews.

    You guys don’t stand for justice, you just like punching people.

      • bioemerl
        1 year ago

        The fuck part of my statement did you see me saying the Holocaust isn’t real?

        The people we’re standing shoulder to shoulder with are Jews across the world calling for peace

        Yeah, no. Some of them are maybe but there is a very definite and real undercurrent of hatred and desire to exterminate the Jews.

        I’ve seen three actual real full blown antisemites in the wild in my life. Full blown bullshit about how Jews control the world and do magic and all sorts of conspiracy crap. All of them doing it in the name of Islam.

        Western Nazis totally exist as well. But the West actually keeps them in check.

        Jews will continue to live in a free Palestine

        And pigs will fly from my ass. Hamas literally founded their group on the principal of getting rid of the Jews and everyone with more than two brain cells sees the writing on the wall.

          41 year ago

          Western Nazis totally exist as well. But the West actually keeps them in check.

          The fuck they’re kept in check. Actual card carrying Nazis helped build the post-war western “international rules based order.” Even today people with similar ethno-nationalist, settler-colonialist, and fascist ideology are at the highest levels of every western government, big inter-government organization, and corporation. They’re starting wars and committing genocides left and right, always have and always will, until they’re stopped by national liberation movements and normal everyday working people taking a stand.

          Whereas Palestinian liberation is about stopping the bloody genocide against the Palestinian people and once again giving them agency over their own lives - for they haven’t had any in generations. That’s something we can all stand behind.

          This website could help to deconstruct the pro-settler and pro-genocide sentiments in your statements.

          • bioemerl
            1 year ago

            Actual card carrying Nazis helped build the post-war western “international rules based order.” Even today people with similar ethno-nationalist, settler-colonialist, and fascist ideology are at the highest levels of every western government,

            You’re just unhinged and delusional at this point. No the world isn’t run by Nazis. If you think the world is run by Nazi’s, whatever information and whatever worldview you have is deeply and fundamentally flawed

              1 year ago

              They’re not wrong. The US worked very closely with fascists post WW2. High ranking Nazi officials were recruited to run NATO, NASA, and work in many other agencies. It’s not limited to Nazi’s either but other fascists as well. In Japan the US helped a war criminal become prime minister. This guy was literally in Tojo’s cabinet and was a signatory to the declaration of war against the US. Partnering with fascists is something the US still does to this day.

              This history isn’t hidden either and the US doesn’t really deny it. However, it’s not exactly something Americans are taught in school.

              • bioemerl
                -21 year ago

                We’re not talking about some nuanced historical take here, we’re talking about this guy trying to claim the world is run by Nazis.

                Nobody in the west at any high level is running around saying that we should go exterminating all the Jews or the blue-eyed blond haired people are superior to everyone else.

                Racist ass Nazi takes are incredibly unpopular and incredibly stigmatized in western culture. The facts of the United States rebuilt Japan and Germany and in the process used their existing leadership has absolutely nothing to do with that.

                  21 year ago

                  They didn’t claim the world was run by Nazis though. They said people with similar or related ideologies exist in the highest levels of every western government. That’s undeniably true.

                  • bioemerl
                    -21 year ago

                    No they pretty explicitly implied the world was run by Nazis.

                    I said that the West has the nazi problem pretty well under control. People with explicit That’s the ideology are very rare and very much taboo and very much considered bad people.

                    This guy comes out and says “no you have leaders who are Nazis, you don’t have the problem under control”

                    **Even today people with similar ethno-nationalist, settler-colonialist, and fascist ideology **

                    And don’t bitch about the use of the “similar” weasel word. A Nazi is a Nazi. Ethno nationalist fascism is Nazism by another name and this schmuck thinks the West is still lead by them.

              21 year ago

              I was going to respond with sources, but I see I’ve hit a nerve by simply alluding to the fact that colonial states are gonna colonize.

              It really goes to show how ingrained fascism and white supremacist is in western society, and that because white people in the imperial core materially benefit from this dynamic, they defend it, even as they’re shouting to deplatform Nazis.

    • AlexTheTurtle
      41 year ago

      I hate hamas, but Israel is currently committing a genocide against Palestinian people in gaza. We should focus on the action of the so called “only democracy in the middle east”. Especially because western governments are supporting israel in its actions.

      Do not fall for israeli propaganda. The bombing and murder of innocent civilians is a bad thing. Its bad when hamas does it and bad when israel does it, but hamas is a horrible terrorist group and israel is supposed to be a civilized country. We should expect better from such a powerful country as Israel.