alt text

three rows with a barbecue on the left and William Wallace in Braveheart on the right.

In the first row, captioned Wednesday, the barbecue is labelled “$899.99” and Wallace says “hold”.

The second row, captioned Thursday, depicts the same.

In the third row, captioned Black Friday, the there is a label with $1099.99 struck through with “$899.99” written underneath, and Wallace charges.

edit: grammar

    141 year ago

    I think its a thing here in norway as well. Thats why they just increase the price in early october, just a month ahead of black week bullcrap. Have seen plenty of electronics “super discounted” to the same price they had in september/october

      111 year ago

      It might actually work if the requirement was a year instead of 30 days.

      Also mandate minimum font size for it and that it must be displayed along with the current price anywhere the current price appears.

        91 year ago

        I honestly think 1 year would be too far back to be actually relevant to the current price, but I can see a 3 month period being a good middle ground.

      61 year ago

      Big items I usually start watching a few months out. If I see a store or brand that pulls tthis garbage, I simply go elsewhere. If I can’t find it on offer, I buy it regular price at the smaller retail store.