So, which version do you prefer? N64? The XBLA leak? Swich Online?

I think I like them all, however, my favorite will always be the N64 release. So many great memories of proximity mines in the temple, or Oddjob slapping the shit out of me from a dark corner

I like them all, but inside my heart of hearts, my real favorite would probably be


Perfect Dark.

  • Leyla :)
    12 years ago

    I’ve gotten a lot of hate for saying this but Goldeneye is probably the worst aged game held up in such high regard. The most “nostalgia goggled” I guess. It is what it is, it’s a console FPS from before Halo, they were just wonky back then. But N64 controls on goldeneye border on unplayable for anybody that didn’t play it as a kid.

    • zanyllama52OP
      12 years ago

      Anyone who doesn’t know about the available control schemes built-in to the game should explore them all. Beyond that, you can youse WSAD+Mouse on via emulation.