“If you decapitate Karlach before having spoken to her and then resurrect her, she’ll no longer spend the rest of the game headless.”
Man, some interactions in this game are wild.
Who would classify that as a bug?
I guess it would be funny for a bit, but get old in the long run…
Ask Karlach to join the party
You hear happy gurgling noises emerge from Karlachs stumpy neck
Ichabod Crane was mad Karlach was stealing his spotlight.
Some fixes really should be optional
Licking the hunk of spider meat in the Gauntlet of Shar might make you sick. You should have listened to Gale.
Literally 1984
You should never listen gale.
Fixed some NPCs being able to shoot through floors and ceilings. They’ve said they’ll play fair.
I love this one
Once again Larian overwhelms me with updates that I weakly to read for their cheeky comments, but cannot because they are endless
I gave up when I realized I was only at the 1/4th point. Same thing happened last patch. Bless you Larian!
One thing that happened in my session is this: I somehow missed the coronation ceremony at Wyrm’s Fortress and went ahead to the lower city. Did a bunch of things, found the submarine, and encountered Gortash who was rather miffed. Retreated, did hours of companion quests, learned that funneling huge groups of enemies into narrow passages makes the combat a breeze (murder tribunal, house of grief, fucking Cazzador). Then I went to the ceremony and after leaving, all of Wyrm’s Fortress wants to cook my bacon, Gortash is even more miffed, but nobody bothers me in the lower city. Go figure …
Exact same thing happened to me. Could tell I fucked up at one point because they were mentioning that Wyll’s dad died off screen. This damn game is going to make me play it again isn’t it?!
I’m on like my ninth playthrough and I am still finding new stuff and areas. This game is absolutely massive.
Yup. I’ve actually started a session of divinity 2 to freshen things up. That’s a helluva game too.
Wait, with the multiplayer change to the Act 1 party… are non-host avatars supposed to be able to romance? Because that’s definitely something I would like to see fixed if that’s the case (my fiancée wants to smooch on Karlach so bad and I didn’t know about that issue when we started, so I stupidly made myself player 1)
Holy shit that is a hell of a patch.
Welp, time to wait for all the mods to get an update again. Suddenly looking forward to a very boring weekend.
All my mods worked great (Improved UI, Faces of faerun, Tav’s Hair Salon)
Only the native camera tweaks crashed but I saw they published a new working version within 20 hours of the patch :D
Norbytes Script Extender as well as Mod Fixer seem to be broken. Since all my other mods rely on them one way or another my save game is basically dead until they get updated.
Honestly I’m kinda bummed, I waited with my favorite quest (and resolution of a romance questline) for my free weekend and now this… oh well, I have another free weekend coming up in December, so for now I guess I’ll just watch BG3 YouTube content and eat dirt or whatever :P
I can confirm Mod fixer is working (Tav’s Hair Salon depends on it)
I hope they fix Norbytes for you soon, a whole weekend at Build-a-bear would be too much for anyone :D
Anyone know if:
Karlach and Wyll in multiplayer
or dialogue options not appearing randomly forcing you to pick “continue”
has been fixed yet? Stopped my play through because of these two game breaking bugs.or dialogue options not appearing randomly forcing you to pick “continue”
Yeah, that’s currently a show stopper for me as well. :(
Fixed multiple cases where you couldn’t select dialogue options
This reads like it could be that!
Hm that’s encouraging. Hope it is because that was actually the final straw that made my partner and me stop playing.
I don’t think Karlach and Wyll not being both playable in multiplayer is a bug. I think it’s intented and makes sense considering their story.
Nah that’s not what I mean. Wyll’s story is completely broken and won’t advance at all. The two of them don’t acknowledge each other at all, as if we hadn’t recruited them both.
The list did mention the “continue” thing.
I’ve found the dialogue options thing is saved with a quicksave/quickload. Tedious, annoying, but it at least lets you get past it.
I’ve seen this advice before but none of the times I tried it fixed the issue for me 😔
I value my time too much to even count on quickloads for a game breaking bug. Sorry, but there’s other games to play that aren’t broken.
“Game breaking” dude it’s a 10 second reload once every 10 or 15 minutes that doesn’t break or lose anything lmao. If you hate the game don’t play it, but it’s not a “game breaking” bug because it has a literal two keystroke workaround that takes seconds.
In a roleplaying game with heavy focus on dialogue choices… yes, dialogue not working is a game breaking bug.
Have they fixed the missing nudity options yet?
After this patch, Shadowheart won’t follow the party.
The only way I can move her is selecting her character and moving her around.
Is the party grouped? Try hitting g twice to ungroup and regroup
No, it’s a bug, you pretty much have to do a manual save, then restart the game with that save, and it should fix it. Someone posted the work around in the BG3 Steam Forums.
Hopefully this fixes of our crossplay. Played with PC and Mac over GOG and at some point the Mac couldn’t connect and crashed on loading 100 % of the time.
We now play with a PC and an old PC, but ofc the experience is a lot better on the Mac compared to the old PC.
Maybe someone has the same problem and a possible fix.
Good stuff, as usual! Especially the addition of FSR 2.2. It doesnt look so fuzzy like version 1.
A staggering amount of tweaks and fixes, awesome!
Unfortunately still no option to toggle on auto-fill of items in empty slots on the hotbar though