Wolverine really does look like two Batmen kissing
My ex is an actress. It never bothered me really. She saw it as part of the job and I do too. I’m the one she’s looking for in the audience and taking her home at the end of the show lol.
Well, not any more.
Lmao you’re not wrong, and thank God for that
Couldn’t stand all those other actors she was fucking, eh?
LOL, why is my reply to this deleted?
mod logs are public
rule 2
Try not to excessively repost, as a rule of thumb, wait at least 2 months to do it if you have to.
I didn’t report or remove it, take it up with the lemmy.ml mods lmao
I didn’t think you did, was just wondering aloud
Neat. But that didn’t have anything to do with rule 2. Can we ban the jackass that deleted it?
nah im glad it got deleted, adds nothing and is just disrespectful
It was funny
It was funny and tied back to the original post. Quite a few people agreed …
My ex was an opera singer, same thing. I was in one of her shows (in the chorus) and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel. Seeing it, it’s the least romantic thing ever. The singers are sweaty and nasty and it’s not really pleasant. It might have helped that I knew the guy well enough too.
But being all sweaty and nasty is part of the fun
I’d be curious to see the data of married Hollywood celebrities and how long their relationships last vs how many intimate scenes they have on film are. Of course, the data would be nearly worthless because humans are complex and there are millions of valid reasons why a relationship would end, but I’d like to see the numbers, anyway.
Not in Hollywood, but a local actress here got divorced by her husband when he saw a sex scene in his wife’s new Netflix show. Apparently the actress didn’t tell her husband that the show would have some sex scenes and the husband got real mad. Why do Netflix shows always have unnecessary sex scenes anyway?
What kind of Netflix shows are you watching?
The Netflix Marvel shows they made had some pretty useless sex scenes that look very weird in Disney’s catalogue these days… And god damn the violence is turned to eleven compared to current Marvel shows! That 11 minute one take fight in Daredevil season 3 is hot as fuck!
This is why I have little faith in the new Disney Plus Daredevil series.
If it’s not brutal as fuck it won’t be the same
Daniel Tiger
I recently watched Wednesday again with a friend - great Netflix show without sex scenes. Good fun, great mystery and loveable cast of characters!
They gave Prince Wednesday his own spinoff? Wild.
That catsuit tho
Serves her right, that’s straight up cheating…
I don’t know why you’re down voted, you’re absolutely right. Any kind of extra marital intimacy is cheating sans consent from the other person.
Depends on how they set boundaries in their marriage, which they absolutely should have. Movie sex usually has a completely different motive and execution than regular cheating.
The fact she didn’t even bother telling the guy is enough of a red flag.
More context needed though I guess by the sheer fact the husband got mad we can infere she would expect it and it’s not a matter of “oops I forgot because this happens all the time” kind of thing.
What series was this? Asking… for a friend.
Why do you think they are unnecessary? Do you say the same thing about violence scenes? I enjoy sex scenes much more than violence scenes and feel like movies just keep increasing the latter and decreasing the former.
There’s this thing called “porn”, you might like it.
As someone who too enjoys sex scenes in movies and doesn’t really get the hate for them - I really dislike (most) porn, and probably for the same reasons.
Sex and intimacy are a huge part of human relationships. Sex scenes in movies show (and not just tell) those relationships, where they stand, how they develop. There is no real intimacy in (most) porn. Porn doesn’t tell stories, it doesn’t show human relationships, it just depicts body parts smashing into each other basically. Very rarely a porn video is good enough to suspend my disbelief so I can imagine the important, the romantic part of it and forget that I’m watching either the product of an explorative industry or the fetish of a couple who film themselves because they like to have themselves watched by strangers. But to show me the dynamic between two fleshed out characters, how it changes over time, and what relevance sex has to them - porn can’t do that.
So your kink is romance. Get a boy/girlfriend.
Or I’ll just watch a good movie with a well made sex scene. Why does it bother you if others enjoy that?
Because those are so easy to get 🙄 smh
They are, if you’re not an unbearable incel.
There’s martial arts competitions and Kung Foo too. What’s your point?
Are you illiterate? Guy wants more sex scenes in his entertainment - if he’s craving it so much, there’s an entire industry dedicated to this.
And if you’re craving action scenes then go watch MMA or something.
See how that argument works?
It doesn’t. MMA isn’t about action, it’s a martial arts competition.
Those scenes can usually be replaced with a black screen and the plot won’t be affected at all. On the other hand, violence scene usually still affect the plot though some scenes are unnecessarily violent.
So Tom Cruise goes to dinner at his instructor’s house, black screen, there’s incredible tension afterwards between the two of them. Maybe she served bad shellfish and he’s upset? Who knows? Saying sex scenes are irrelevant to plots is just ridiculous. Stop typing online and Go back to picketing schools about removing Shakespeare and Balzac and other lewd literature from their shelves.
They can still show Tom Cruise flirting and leading the girl to a room, just don’t show the actual fucking. You know, like what old movies usually do to imply sex happened. Showing the actual sex is just makes it awkward when watching with friends and family and totally unnecessary for most shows unless the entire point of the show is about sex.
You realize you could just read a book about it too? Their are creative ways to avoid showing just about anything in a movie. But this isn’t what the poster was talking about. They were talking about censorship with a black screen.
I’m not saying to ban all sex scenes from all shows, but when a significant proportion of new shows these days include sex scenes compared to shows from the previous decades, it’s clear that netflix producers just shoving them into shows even if it’s not relevant to the show’s plot. A litmus test for this is if you can replace those soft core scenes with black screen and the plot is literally unaffected, then sex scenes on that show would provide no actual value beyond fan service. Of course, not all shows are like this, but a significant proportion of them do these days, which is why a lot of people (inculding me) is getting fed up with them.
Apparently many younger viewers hate sex scenes
Yeah it’s a gen Z thing apparently. There is more of a demand for action, violence, and superheroes that cry. Suprising to me as I see romance as an escape from all the ugliness around us.
I’m a millennial but I don’t really like romance/romcom all that much for the most part unless it’s in anime format for some reason. For movies and even TV I generally prefer action, violence, thrillers, etc. I have no idea why, I think it’s kind of interesting that the medium changes my preferences so much lol
I have no issue with sex scenes in media. I also think the vast majority of sex scenes are unnecessary and badly done.
The only necessary sex scene is the one in Team America
Man, a group like Info Wars would probably love data like. They could prop it up as “proof” that the Hollywood elite are corrupt and eroding traditional values.
(Hey, if any conservative talking heads really do want to run with this, please credit me and invite me on so I can make jokes at your expense)
They are professionals. It’s part of the job. It’d be like being a spouse to a stripper. You know what they are doing, so you should be ok with it.
They feel a paycheck coming their way most likely
If they’re paying my wife 1 million a day she can kiss whoever they want.
That’s quite an indecent proposal!
There was a movie about that but I can’t remember the name
Must be thinking of Pretty Women. He pays her for kisses…
What can I get your wife to do for 20 bucks?
A firm handshake, maybe with eye contact
My wife went to school with someone from a popular TV show a few years back, where she’d be in sex scenes fairly frequently (from what I hear, I watched a few episodes and hated it). She had a long-term boyfriend at the time, and it didn’t take long for him to not be cool with it.
She also went to school with a musician that had a stab at a solo career. She had some raunchy scenes in a music vid, and that quickly led to her breaking up with her boyfriend.
Those are my only two frames of reference, but I imagine it’s quite hard to deal with emotionally, even if you know it meant nothing and is just a part of the job.
Stanley Kubrick caused Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise to divorce over this.
I think it might’ve been the whole cult religion thing instead
And that’s why he will always be the goat
Ever wondered why the divorce rate in hollywood is so high? Must not be easy to deal with that shit
Well I doubt they care because they are also acting in a different movie kissing someone else.
I’m sure the divorce rate is high because they are limited to a small dating pool. The average person, you and I, are not severely limited to other famous people, and divorce rate for normal people like us is extremely high as well.
Just do what Leo does and date some random teenage Instagram model.
I doubt those relationships last long or are fulfilling, but I also doubt any celebrity marriage is fulfilling and there’s a lot more baggage involved.
It’s just a job lol
A sexy job ohhhh yeahhh!
I recently saw despicable me and just heard vector saying “oh yeah” rather than the CSI clip
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That’s a nice demonstration of Western capitalist degeneracy.
… Are you being ironic? I legitimately can’t tell anymore on this website.
Probably serious. These mfs can’t turn that shit off for nothin. People kissing on TV? Degen capitalist conspiracy by the west ^tm.
I’ll accept the degeneracy, but you can keep the rest.
Professional acting predates capitalism and will outlive it, too
Let’s be real. A lot of people in the comments are saying “it’s just a job”, but that’s irrelevant. Prostitution and stripping are both jobs, and I guarantee those who work in either have a vastly more difficult time finding people okay with that.
Is it impossible for the significant other to be okay with it? No. Will it be harder to have a relationship? Definitely.
What a great gif
They feel with their hands and fingers mostly.
I sometimes wonder about that word “finger”. If fingers fing, then what is finging?
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Kid named Finger:
Fuck you OP for that title, I can’t unsee it.
Maybe they are not insecure?
Why do people equate being secure with being ok seeing your wife kiss another guy? You can be secure and still against it
I’m so secure that my wife’s boyfriend told me he was taking her away to the cabin for the weekend and I decided I’d have the guys over for a poker night. They’re just good friends.
It’s cool, John Redcorn is just helping with her headaches
A poker night and a poke-her night. Symmetry!
I mean, that sounds like a pretty secure, polyamorous dynamic to me.
Or secure and not against it because she is buying you a car with the movie monies.
At that point it’s a sugar mommy, not a wife.
Why would you?
Just because you wouldn’t be doesn’t mean everyone is the same, people have feelings. Even polyamorous people get jealous at times, it’s a normal thing.
Be as secure as you will, if you see your SO in a romance scene in a typical hig h profile movie with all the right camera angles and music and all… it’s bound to do at least something to you, right?
Only if you care at all about them and your relationship.
Yeah, and that something can be communicated. But at the end of the day it’s their job. I follow a therapist on YouTube that talks about his wife’s modeling career on occasion and he never really cared. He saw the work that goes into it and knows it’s just that - work. I think on the rare occasions it did bring up some feelings of jealousy he communicated the insecurity and got reassurance from her. That obviously worked well enough that they’ve been married a couple decades.
On the work end, keep in mind how many times they have to shoot scenes/photos and how extremely unromantic/inauthentic it is.
Psychology in Seattle, perhaps?
Hell yes, deserving listener!
Not really. Especially when you know what goes into filming them. From modesty underwear to lighting to 30 people around you just doing their thing for the production.
As a spouse of an actor you’d think you know just how “fake” the music and emotional impact is.
No that’s the point. If you are not insecure and trust your partner then you know it’s just acting.
I’m not suggesting that they might assume any of the acted scene had real feelings behind it. Yet still, visually seeing your SO seemingly doing intimate stuff will make you feel something. You might not be jealous or anything, yet still. That has nothing to do with insecurity. You can feel awkward without jealousy, can’t you?
As a former polyamoric person, here’s how I (still) think of it: You can’t control your feelings (they are merely physical reactions to situations) but you can control how you deal with them. Or how you act on them.
So in a sense, in my opinion, you’re both correct.
So in a sense, in my opinion, you’re both correct.
And that right there is the kind of attitude that gets you into polyamoric situations.
There are plenty of people who are completely comfortable with their partners being strippers or porn stars. It’s just their work at the end of the day.
I’m sure plenty of people don’t really feel anything about it.
There are plenty of people who are completely comfortable with their partners being strippers or porn stars.
From a purely logical standpoint, given the number of strippers and porn stars out there, that statement must be true. It’s not quite something I can wrap my head around though.
there are also people who genuinely feel happy for their SOs in these situations. Compersion is real and fucking wonderful. not enough people know 'bout it.
I mean, it comes down to jealousy, right? And that’s an emotion… You can’t really control your emotions
I think it’s more a matter of “is this a deal breaker”. Some people just might avoid those movies, some people might need to see it and get reassurance, some people can’t handle it at all. And some people just aren’t bothered - there’s people who are fine with their partner dating other people so long as they come home at the end of the night
You are in fact the only person that can control your emotions.
You can control your reaction to your emotions, and you can change yourself.
You can’t control your emotions themselves though, just the before and after
Like, get me horny?
That’s definetly one of the possibilities. I never had a relationship with a movie star who did such scenes, so I wouldn’t know.
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Being you must suck pretty bad.
deleted by creator
not as bad as ur mom, lmao gottem
It really depends on the actor. I think we can all agree that not every actor has the same emotional maturity and therefore will not all react the same to it. For example, take a look at what Jonah Hill expects from his partners versus Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively seeming to be a healthy couple while both have had some raunchy scenes in movies featuring other people.
Jonah Hill really is a piece of shit. I’m glad my gut instinct was to fall into a bottomless pit of cringe every time he appears on screen. I could never stand that fat little toad.
What an effing cunt.
Wolverine really does look like two Batmen kissing.