Or it will be used to let fascists off, because their supporters will vote fucking not guilty and say that everyone else should too.
Or it will be used to let fascists off, because their supporters will vote fucking not guilty and say that everyone else should too.
That face when you see acab and fuck 12 spray painted all over Lyon.
Another way of saying that would be to use the tool with context in mind. But ya, there’s issues.
Glue pizza might actually be better. Ask yourself why anyone would need to make cheese stick to pizza. Because that’s not really a typical culinary issue. So, the answer came from practical effect strategies for a commercial cheese-stretch shot.
Now, I’m not saying that there isn’t still an issue with this type of misunderstanding. But, it’s not “hur-dur, just glue it” that everyone always paints it as.
It’s more interesting than that and raises issues about how questions are framed and how answers are digested.
I used to have to open a fishing pier at 5:30am. A line of angry fisher people at the gate will tighten you up real quick. I let everyone in for free if I was 10 minutes late, but I was more so motivated not to be late.
These were the people who were fishing as a source of food and/or bait for later fishing for food. I got to know them and wasn’t late often because that would be shitty. They got to know me and knew I was working 3 jobs and going to college. So, they were sympathetic when it did happen.
Life, man, turns out it ain’t all simplistic generational platitudes.
And I love the cognitive dissonance at large and was merely commenting on that.
The problem is that owning it means having to say “i support the death penalty” which no one wants to admit.
Just a jury of a peer.
Tight! It’s fine to support the death penalty for your reasons.
Chill out, supporting the death penalty is fine.
This is just supporting the death penalty with extra steps. Which is fine, just own it.
I know this is not true for everyone, but I had good success with some physical life changes that really helped with sciatica.
Stopped wearing a leather belt, stopped having anything in my back pocket, started sleeping with a pillow between my legs, and paid more attention to how I was sitting. These, along with core exercises, brought flare up from ~weekly to ~yearly.
Just sharing my experience in the hope that maybe it’s helpful. Sciatica sucks.
‘Americans don’t love sports’ is certainly a take.
Don’t tell yourself that, unless you’re just not that interested. It takes more work and catering some creative solutions, but it is worth it. I got an engineering degree before I was ever even diagnosed or medicated.
Math is philosophy, and trig does a very good job of describing the world we experience. The unit circle, right angles, pythagorean theorem, sinusoidal damping, etc, are all pretty philosophical concepts. What else could the be.
Math shit is universal human language. True.
But the language part of it is pretty human.
Best take right here. Trig shows up a lot when you actually do stuff. Woodworking, programming, physics, art, music, philosophy. Math shit is universal human language.
Maybe. But there’s a lot of “They’re coming for your napkins to maximize profit!”
You should be applying this to all juries you serve on. Accept those summonses. Get on those juries and use your brains.