Edit: Apparently this is satire or an art project
It’s a shame so many people are being so annoying with AI. There are so many genuinely incredible possibilities.
agreed. in the case of AI art, there are some legitimate artists out there (Rob Sheridan comes to mind) who are making wonderful use of AI image generation tools and incorporating it into their artwork and it’s SO cool.
it’s a shame that so far the loudest people touting AI are the annoying “bro buy my latest shitcoin” techbros.
Why does every tech bro want to replace things thay make people happy, like art with AI?? It’s so confusing tbh
I thought things like low level customer service or menial tasks would make sense to replace first
Why does every tech bro want to replace things thay make people happy, like art
Because AI is funded and headed by corporations seeking profit. And things like art require skilled labor, which is expensive. Therefore if you can create a machine that reduces the skill required to produce something like art, you can pay the human less. Or maybe even remove the human entirely.
AI will only - can only - benefit the people if it is headed and regulated by the people and for the people. As it is, it is only a tool of the ultra wealthy, and tech bros are totally falling for the bait and switch
Because they don’t have the artistic skill themselves and they are parasitic by nature? So they latch onto a tool that itself is a parasite?
How boring and dystopian would the world be without people creating art and instead it being created for profit by art instead of passion and love. I mean it already happens, but at least you need some talent to be successful lol
In the future where AI makes all the music, I will become one of those old ppl commenting on rap youtube videos, “back music was art and beautiful” lmaoo
This type of extravagant technological solution feels like something Aperture Science would make
We do what we must because we can.
Cave Johnson, we’re done here.
actually, Google was really working on something like this, based on googlestreet images, gps, accelerometer, time, AI etc… to deduce the image and sell cameraless smartphone.
what a stupid idea, honestly
- because it is indeed stupid: the most inefficient way to provide an existing and cheap feature
- cameras are actually the selling point of most the expensive smartphone
- I WANT to capture it myself
This is one of those “it’s cool!” things that people took way too far
I WANT to capture it myself
Speak for yourself, similar tech’s already been commercialized.
Looks like a lot of unnecessary extra steps for worse effect.
It is incredibly ironic though because back in the days photography was attacked as the thing that would “destroy art”.
y’all mfs trying to detect obvious satire challenge (impossible)
Wait, is it?
Well, the camera itself is just an art project.
But I have no idea if the person who posted it with that text is delusional or trying to be funny.
pretty sure it is :)
I corrected the title and post!
I want to capture the thing I’m looking at. Art is an attempt to convey personal experience to another person with an unknowable other experience. Having the basis of art be other people’s art without at least personal control of the end composition is just all backwards. Not to mention that’s not a camera, it’s literally a different thing. These people get me so flustered
Thanks I hate it
Can you still call it “Camera” if it doesn’t even catch any photons?
I can’t imagine anyone other than tech bros actually using this in any scenario
It’s a cool art project.
AI image generation aside, this sort of thing might be genuinely useful for someone who is blind or low vision. It’s like alt text for the world.
Thought this is an invention for blind people at first.
Someone please kill me
@sexy_peach what if the AI doesn’t already have the image 👀 ?
That’s not how AI works
It does require each feature to be part of the training dataset to compose the result. Even better, the state-of-the-art stochastic models can output identical data but you can completely ignore the original work’s license. Yeah science, bitch!