Water, coffee, whiskey, wine. Drink alcohol maybe once or twice a month, coffee and water daily.
All S tier.
Hard disagree with whiskey.
How you gonna say wine and coffee then be hyper specific with what liquor? Just say liquor.
I have every confidence this is a gigabrain take that everyone will agree with
grappa should have its own sub-basement-shit-tier as both a liquor, alcoholic beverage and beverage in general.
fuck grappa. all my homies hate grappa
I have had grappa that sent me to another planet for the depth of flavor. I have never been able to actually find a bottle of good grappa and have long since given up. But I know that good grappa does exist
There’s just as much variation in whiskey as there is with wine and coffee, honestly.
I mean there’s just as much variation with gin, and gin is my s tier liquor, but it’s not everyone’s. That’s my point.
Sure, I was just giving my S tier as well.
Ohhh, ok i misunderstood then, mb thought you were saying it should be everyone’s
Here’s my own controversial take:
Any and all alcoholic beverages taste like garbage, people simply get used to the bad taste because they’re expected to drink it and/or are alcoholics.
Countless times i’ve been offered drinks that “taste good”, or that “you can barely taste the alcohol” and every single time they taste terrible. Even when there’s a hint of flavor behind it all, it is utterly ruined by the taste of alcohol.
No amount of seasoning is gonna make your food taste good if you’ve already taken a dump on it.
I know exactly 3 (+water) of this list.
Water is so far above everything else that EVERY SINGLE SODA is forced to add around 80% water.
This comment was made by the water gang.
I actually think water percentage would be in the high 90s. 80% water sounds like it would be more like syrup consistency.
Google tells me 90-95% water, and 98% or more for diet
Then water is even further above what we supposed.
Since soda is actually like 95-98% water, soda is basically water… Ipso facto soda homies are actually hydro homies confirmed.
So we’re just all part of a big family ?! 😲
You tell 'em, brother!
This comment is sponsored by the water gang.
Do we have a
waternihydrohomies lemmyEdit: found it
Yeah water is cool. But
She Mt Dew on my Baja til I Blast
What about Brawndo? It’s what plants crave!
Water is A, only coffee is S.
Cold water on a hot day is SS tier, no doubt
Water S; black coffee and tea without milk and sugar are A.
Found my homie!!
RC cola gets a D but I agree other than that
i have never heard of RC cola
Imagine if Pepsi was still good
Apple cider?!?!?!
I’d personally place tea on S and water on A. Tea is far too versatile. Water is great but tea hydrates just as much and has the potential to be much much more.
Piss water
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That’s cheating! I can take medicine with honey as well and even if it stops tasting horrible it’s still the honey doing the heavy lifting. We can agree on a compromise and put honey in the D tier though.
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I see you haven’t had proper tea yet
TIL that tea dehydrates you is a myth, just looked that up
Possibly depends a bit how you make it. If you make extremely strong black tea and then dump tons of sugar in it it’s definitely less refreshing than unsweetened mint tea for example. Tea, like most things in life, is a spectrum.
You mean to say: Most things in life are, like tea, a spectrum.
Same with coffee. I believe it’s actually caffeine that can work as a diuretic.
I mostly agree, but I’m not drinking any sort of tea after a 10k. Water/tea/coffee is 95% of what I drink. Whole milk is 3%, and boba tea is another 1%. I’m ashamed to say I drink soda in social settings.
I’d argue though, after a 10K, you’re not drinking for any other reason than hydration and in such cases water is always the best. But I’d argue that’s an edge case unless you’re a professional athlete or live in a very hot environment
Isn’t… the exclusive reason to drink… hydration?
I mean if I was an avid reader in Sweden I could get by on tea/coffee exclusively. Most people will, on occasion, need to drink water to rehydrate.
I also drink because I enjoy the taste. Some people drink coffee or energy drinks to stay awake. One can drink alcohol to get drunk. There are many reasons. Yes, hydration is almost always a present and desired effect but not always the reason.
no shame in a good sodie pop once in a while
its everyday that it becomes horrible, for teeth and weight
I have the biggest weak spot for sarsparilla! Or if I find a microbrewery that makes any root beer~
I’m not a soda drinker generally but microbreweries sodas are always so much better than anything the big three put out
Unsweet tea gets a tier tho
Where teas and juices and coffee?
and milk
Tea and coffee A tier. Juice is D tier (basically the same amount of sugar as sodas but at least has some antioxidants).
Good black coffee is a low S or high A tier drink. Sure, it makes me poop, but it tastes great and makes me productive.
Coffee for breakfast water for lunch and beer for dinner, what else do you need
Water is s-tier if you’ve got some propel mix in it.
Water is like a or b, Paulaner Spezi is on s+
Not sure why I expected Paulaner Spezi to be some kind of ready-made Cola-Weizen.