Project Binky, albeit they work 50x faster than I have ever worked on a project
Me waiting for Vhyrro to put up another Neovim video. It doesn’t take too long but I hate waiting ugh
In six months you could have made your own fucking content…
Let content makers work at their own pace instead of at the mercy of the algorithm for fucks sake, please.
If you love the content, please give a shit about their work-to-life-balance.
Chasing the algorithm and “staying relevant” is literally why most of youtube has become so boring and anodyne.
And yet we can be sad that there is no vid as long as we don’t demand.
Why are you down voted, you are 100% correct.
Because nobody said anything like the comment suggest
Youre not wrong.
A new Ahoy video dropped recently!
!RemindMe 6 months
Support them on Patreon, they’re doing it in their own free time :)
Gosu-sama, who makes Minecraft tutorials. These are some of my favorite videos even though there are only like 6 of them.
Say Goodnight Kevin, we miss you 😭
Melodysheep moment. Their content is simply amazing.
What happened to you “By Default”? You can’t just drop 3 absolutely amazing videos in the span of a month, then enter complete radio silence for 4(+???) Months! My heart can’t take it…
Worthikids. Bigtop Burger is great.
I have so many questions about the Bigtopverse after watching the finale. Most of all being are the Demon Lords Frasier and Niles canon to that universe.
Photonicinduction :(
This was Mitten Squad. RIP you magnificent bastard
Came here to see if anyone mentioned this. That one hurt. Only knew him via his videos, but I miss him. RIP you magnificent bastard indeed.
I’m a fan of the video game historian. I wish it was only 6 months between videos
Is Michael Reeves still niche?
History Oversimplified fans be like:
6 months would be an improvement