Robert’); DROP TABLE Students
Possibly more annoying choice: The right to leftoverride character
Can we call you little Bobby tables?
that’s how my parents call me, yeah
I feel like Little Bobby Tables has grown up, and should now be Robert’); DROP TABLE loans;–
Lil Bobby Tables, we call him
I was going to write SQL Injection as well! You beat me to it
Are you talking to me?
No, my son is also named Bort
Don’t do it! Novelty license plates for that name are always sold out. I’ve been trying to find one for 30 years.
I was visiting someone at Yale, and as we were walking through town I saw a car with an actual BORT license plate.
I was the only one who got a kick out of it though.
It was 2 phones ago, so not sure where the picture lives these days, but I have proof somewhere!
Found it!
Now why is that the first thing that came to my mind too??
Not sure how uncommon you’re looking for, but I think I already did this.
I chose Sage.
According to some quick googling (read: not sure how accurate this is), Sage wasn’t in the top 500 names for my birth year, but my given name was top 100.
Though both names I’ve used have been trending towards more common for most of my life. Looks like my original name is now a top 35 most common, but Sage is still outside the top 100 for females and outside top 300 for males.(Really wish there was more data for the popularity of nonbinary names. I think Sage is probably one of the more popular enby names, so maybe it’s not all that uncommon, depending on how you define it.)
Okay, but are you a lawyer?
Lol. Yes I am! How did you know?? 😜
I get a sense about people.
Cool name. I have nothing productive to add, but Sage against the machine just came to me as I was reading your comment. Please feel free to do with it as you wish.
Something old, like a name from Sumer, Akkad, Elam, maybe something Hittite.
Epirmupi, Shamsaki, Puzur-Inshushinak, Ninurta, Lugalzagasi, Tiglath-Pileser, Hattusili, Suppiluliuma.
Ea-nāṣir! 😂
I would absolutely trust someone with this name in commercial dealings.
Not once you get your first cart full of sub par metals, you wont.
I’m loving the creativity here! To me though, “uncommon” implies that it’s not like completely unheard of either. so, my choice would be “Midge”
That’s just Jim backwards.
Thanks, I hate it lol
New full name: Theophrastus Bombastus
That would be first and last. Not just first name
He’s currently Jim Bombastus
*Gasp* I told you that in confidence!
Do they call you Mister Bombastic?
I already use that name everywhere online, might as well put it on my passport.
Batman bin Suparman
Or this one:
I remember that one
Nebuchadnezzar. It has an air of nobility about it and no-one would be able to spell it, ever.
Peasants shouldn’t be able to spell the names of nobility
My username is my first name, and I’d say it’s already pretty uncommon!
I always thought Ziggy was a cool name.
Don’t change your name to that unless you play guitar. As a non-musical man who gets compared to John Lennon a lot, I’m doing you a favor.
Not all Ziggies play guitar.
As a non-musical man who gets compared to John Lennon a lot
Is that you, Ringo? 😛
Dammit, you found me again, Paul!
I’ve already got a name that puts me quite comfortably in the 1% of names used in my country. It’s not as cool to have a uncommon name as you think. It’s easy to get picked on, you never can buy those souvenir mugs or keyrings with ‘your name’ and it gets misspelled.
I mean I’ve written a book where my name is on the cover and one review managed to misspell it…
Otoh. I once met someone on holiday in Ireland that said ‘i one met a kid with that name and it was in Croatia, about ten years ago’.
That kid was me. If I had a more common name we’d never have known.
Any relation to the name “Otto”?
None at all, though I do know someone by that name
the ascii null character
Yes hi there my name is \n
Until you get 4 billion dollars worth of fines and speeding tickets