How many on-screen badass women can you name?

(I’ll update the list periodically.)

Badass On-Screen Women

  • President Camacho
    1 year ago

    Everybody remembers Ripley, but Aliens was a solid gender equality movie… filmed way back in 1986. Remember Vasquez and Ferro? Totally believable, flawed and likeable badasses. I find today’s characters to be way too perfect to be believable. Wonder Woman is a good example. I find her annoying.

  • Where is the love for Chrisjen Avasarala? The UN General Secretary Queen of the Earth from The Expanse lore? The Space Iron Lady!

    I admire her more than other traditional depiction of bad ass action stars who are either a man or a woman. I realised I admire mental acuity more than raw strength. Avasarala is Machiavellian but a pragmatist, and ready to get her hands dirty if needs be in spite of her privileged upbringing. Her main drawbacks though is that she is too willing to get her hands dirty, especially at the first episode when she personally oversaw the torture of a Belter in a blacksite. She was also willing to use her family image to gain political sympathy. But one could argue it’s for the greater good, not that I am excusing both of her egregious and questionable actions. As I said, she is a pragmatist after all and looks at the bigger picture and have long term scope. She was right about slowly colonising the New Worlds. Avasarala is an anti-hero but she’s right in more ways than none.

      11 year ago

      Avasarala and (TV) Drummer were absolute badasses.

      “Let’s go hydrate… with some beers” is said too much in my household.

    • “i know you love sticking your dick in everything, but try not to fuck this one”

      top 20 one liners for me. she was one of my favorites in that series.

        01 year ago

        “do not put your dick in it, it’s fucked enough already”

        “Where are you going with this?” - “wherever I god damn like”

        It’s not only the quotes, the delivery is just perfect

    • Krzd
      01 year ago

      Avasarala is absolutely the top, Bobby is IMO a close second though. (Going by the books)

      01 year ago

      I can’t stand the actor’s gross smokers voice, but she was an awesome character and her voice actually kind of fit with it. It’s harsh and untempered, just like the character.

    01 year ago

    This meme forgot that Katniss Everdden was the first female lead in an action movie.

        01 year ago

        Not according to Jennifer Lawrence, “I remember when I was doing ‘Hunger Games,’ nobody had ever put a woman in the lead of an action movie because it wouldn’t work — we were told girls and boys can both identify with a male lead, but boys cannot identify with a female lead.”

          01 year ago

          She said that but she was wrong lol Off the top of my head both the Terminator and Alien series had lead female action hero’s

          Also I don’t mean to be pedantic, I can’t tell if this is a stealth /s discussion or not

        • eightpix
          1 year ago

          The Long Kiss Goodnight is a pretty straightforward action movie from 1996 starring Geena Davis in the lead. Samuel L. Jackson co-stars.

          Working backward from there:

          La Femme Nikita (1990) and the American remake Point of No Return (1994)

          Foxy Brown (1974) and Coffy (1973) are offerings from the blaxploitation angle.

    01 year ago

    From cartoons: Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle

    IRL: Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Ada Lovelace, Svetlana Tihanovskaya.

      1 year ago

      That girl is legendary. Je suis allé revoir l’extrait après avoir lu ce commentaire. edit: episode 2, 11:30-13:45. That’s how Bang Wool ascended to the Beolgoopo’s Sashimi of legend.

      Also, Jang Man-wol from Hotel Del Luna.

          01 year ago

          Il y a bcp de femme forte en général. Mais souvent on ne peut pas les qualités de badass parce qu’il y a un côté force physique / sexy/charismatique au personnage qu’on retrouve moins dans les personnages écrits pour un public féminin.

          Do Rahe dans Be Arrogant rentre dedans, la sexualisation en moins.
          Pareil pour Kang Yunhe dans Modern Farmer pourtant joué par la superbe Lee Honey.

          Côté Jdrama, il y a Sangenya Machi dans Your Hause Is My Business Nami dans Caution, Hazardous Wife ou Yamaguchi Kumiko dans Gokusen.

          Bon, Gokusen, c’est un cas à part, mais pour les autres, se sont des rôles de femmes fortes et belles mais la beauté n’est pas sexualisée.

  • Dessalines
    01 year ago

    Where’s my trekkies at? We got Janeway, Jadzia Dax, Belana Torres, Kira Nerys, Seven of Nine, Tasha Yar, Guinan, Ensign Ro… and a lot more I’m not remembering right now.

      01 year ago

      Those wrinkled stockings!

      When she passed, the heart and soul that was shown as all the characters gave her a send off - no need for acting that episode.

    01 year ago

    In a similar vein, Evelyn Wang from Everything Everywhere All At Once… She may not start out badass, but oh boy does that change