My conure kiwi
Love love love
Three little posers.
If ye wish to climb the stairs,
Then first endure our three glares.
For moving, we aren’t in the mood,
Though we may change our tune for food.
And a warning should our bowls lay empty,
Misfortune falls swift and plenty.
So please, appease us kitties three,
Lest ye wake in a bed of pee.
One of them always tells the truth, another always lies, and the last one bites your hand when petting their belly. Though that might be all of them.
They actually all lie about different things.
Grey cat likes to lie to get into the room you’re in, if the door is closed, by pretending there’s a horrific emergency on the other side of the door. “Help! Help! Let me into the bathroom with you! My agony shall not subside until I have access to this room! I am ill! I am dying!”
Stripey cat likes to open cupboard doors, cardboard boxes and then hunt, kill and eat pouches of wet cat food, then pretend it wasn’t him at all, and he is hungry and hasn’t eaten for days.
Black cat likes a more traditional “I’ve not been fed yet, I am starving”, and also “I have no idea how the water bowl ended up upside down, but it looks like we’re out of water again”.
Thankfully, none of them will scratch or bite (at least not me or my partner). Black and stripey will both gently push your hand away when they’ve had enough tummy-tickle-time. Grey cat can be tickled for at least ten minutes. He just waits for you to get bored.
They sound like awesome cats!
I love that someone wrote a poem about our cats. Thank you.
I think they’ll like it too - I fear they’re growing tired of me singing “Who’s a little black/stripey/silver cat with a fluffy little nosey-wose, who is a cat with a fluffity tail” to the tune of “Ride a White Swan” by T-Rex.
Hey, you’re welcome! I just thought it would be a logistical nightmare to get past the cats without disturbing them in your picture, and my brain ran with the idea.
On a related note: Check out the book “I Could Pee on This, and Other Poems by Cats”. It’s a little book of poems from the perspective of cats.
Looks great, thanks! :)
Looking at some of the Excerpts from “I could pee on this and other poems by cats”, I think ours are actually very well behaved (so far!).
Ah yes. The stair guardian formation. I am well familiar with this position.
That bengal in the middle knows (s)he’s the cutest one
They’re all boys (and twin brothers) and they’re all equally adorable, although maybe that one’s a little more equal than the others :)
So so cute!
Did human say snackos?!
I call that a flicky ear.
That’s cute and I’m definitely stealing it!
Such excitement.
He’s practicing being evil
A Siamese! Love those cats.
Here’s my girls Charlotte and Emily, sisters from the same litter. Charlotte was all up in my grill because I was eating chicken and Emily was spawn camping while I was heating said chicken in the oven 😄
As a bonus, here’s my mom’s dog Walther who I have the privilege of dogsitting every week
Emily is such a gamer she’s got a built in headset!
She’s a rogue at times for sure 😁
Walther is the BEST name for a dog.
It’s a (very fluffy) trap
An invitation to get bitten all to hell haha.
Cute cat obvs, but I also like your carpet.
The smile!
Where is the moist old sweaty cat ?
The shirt!
Sweaty too ? (Also do you put cat sweat on yourself ?)
technically the catsweat thing is a running gag from the old Bloom County cartoon strip. cats dont actually sweat (maybe a bit through their paws), but realistically, no sweat.
Bloom County ran an arc where they extracted cat sweat and sold it as a remarkably effective ‘hair growth tonic’… until it later had the opposite effect and everyone who used it went bald
the word ‘moist’ just makes people uncomfortable, so of course thats what you name a social media server.
Neet it is kbin though right ?
close, using mbin. the fork seemed like a more reliable/continual development process.
If i may ask why not lemmy?
Here’s Taako the scruffle boi
Omg, did you name him after TAZ?
The bum in the air!
I like the couch’s floral pattern
Here’s my boy Sheldon