Your cup holder doubles as a burrito holder also
It’s for a Pimento Taco, a Pimentaco
The people don’t need sunglasses, they need tacos. 🌮
Gork has spoken.
I have been using it wrong for years!
Me too! I thought it was supposed to be for the guacamole!
Please deposit [ one taco ] to continue driving. Thank you and have a nice day!
Fueling our cars with tacos would indeed be a lot cheaper than gasoline, but unfortunately the emissions from low Taco-Bell-grade fuel would accelerate global warming
Counterpoint: is it better to put the TB-grade taco into the car than into a human body? Nvm, that seems to get into a whole “exactly what type of emissions are we talking about here?” side-track:-).
Wtf? I thought it was for cottage cheese. 🤦
It’s actually for loose soup.
And here I’ve been keeping mine in my pockets like a sucker
Don’t beat yourself up about it, we’ve all been there!
Speaking of pockets, that’s usually where I put my Hot Pocket. If I leave my car in the hot sun for a couple hours then my Pocket goes from frozen to lukewarm.
What? If you have that in your pockets, then where are you keeping your spaghetti??
It looks so happy now that it has it’s taco!
It sucks that it can’t taco bout it.
It even dispenses the soggy old taco lettuce whenever you hit the accelerator
Is that supposed to be a sunglasses compartment?
Id still use it for tacos though.